I chuckled, directing my attention to her. I thought for a couple of seconds before answering, “Fast. Free.”

She grinned. “That sounds fun. I never really knew freedom until this trip.”

I knew a little about her background already, but I feigned surprise. “Oh, really? Why’s that?”

She shrugged, looking away from me to the fountains below. “My dad was protective. He never let me do anything.”

“Ah. That’s how it goes with dads and daughters, doesn’t it?” I said. “My dad was always stricter with my sister than my brother and me, and she left as soon as she turned eighteen.”

“She did? Where did she go?”

I remembered that I was talking to Matteo’s niece and had to be careful about how much I said. I didn’t want to slip up and tell her that Dixyn had dated Matteo and we were the reason he was dead. “Cali.” I laughed, thinking about Dixyn’s journey.

A smile crept over her lips as she looked back up at me. “What?”

“My sister left because she wanted nothing to do with our biker lifestyle. Then when she came back, she ended up settling down with one. Ironic.”

“Really?” Lucia giggled.

I nodded. “A real hard-ass too. Almost as bad as my dad.”

Lucia laughed, and it was becoming my favorite sound. “That’s pretty funny. Is she happy?”

I thought for a moment, a grin curving my lips. “Yeah. She is. They just had a baby about two months ago.”

“Aw, that’s so sweet. She got her happily ever after.”

Our eyes locked, and we stared at each other for several seconds. The fountain show started, drawing Lucia’s gaze away. “Oh, look.”

“You haven’t seen it yet?”

“Not yet,” Lucia replied, eyes glued to the dancing water.

A knock on the door sounded, and I left her to answer it. The room service attendant smiled. “Your juice, sir. May I bring it in?”

“Sure,” I said, stepping back for him to come in.

He set the tray on the table, then went to the door. “Thank you for choosing the Bellagio.”

“Now we can get this party started,” Olivia announced, grabbing both carafes and taking them to Raleigh. “Elizabeth, get your ass over here and have a drink.”

“I’m watching the fountain show,” Lucia replied, unmoving from her spot at the window.

I walked up to Olivia and my brother. “I’ll take it to her.”

Raleigh poured the vodka to almost half the glass, then filled the rest with pineapple juice. He added a splash of cranberry at the top, then mixed the drink with a spoon. “Here you go.”

“Let’s take a shot, too,” Olivia said.

I walked over to Lucia and handed her the drink. “Thank you.” She smiled before taking a sip.

“Elizabeth!” Olivia screeched. “Get. Your. Ass. Over. Here. And. Take. A. Shot.”

She rolled her eyes, sighing. “Fine.”

“The shows are every fifteen minutes,” I said, following her.

“Oh, good. Since I was so rudely interrupted,” she said, nudging Olivia.