“I think once we get them in our cars, we head home. Less of a chance for them to escape.”
Raleigh raised his brows. “So no luring her back to your room with your good looks and biker appeal?”
I shrugged. “That’s the plan. But once she gets in my car, I don’t have to keep up the act.”
Raleigh tsked. “I don’t think you’ve thought this through.”
I crossed my arms over my chest. “What do you mean?”
He chuckled. “What happens when she realizes you’re not going back to a hotel and essentially kidnapping her? You don’t think she’s going to fight you and try to get out of the car?”
Shit. I guess I hadn’t thought that through.
“I still think we should just drug them,” Raleigh suggested.
I shook my head, trying to think of scenarios that didn’t involve drugging the girls. “What if we bring them back here to party?”
“And then, what? Get them blackout drunk?” Raleigh asked with a scoff.
That would involve carrying them out while they were passed out, and we’d already determined that wasn’t a good idea.
I sighed. “I still want to stick with my original plan. If we can’t get them to come with us, then we buy them one last drink and slip the roofies in, then take them down one of the alleys to our cars.”
Raleigh shook his head with a roll of his eyes. “Whatever you say. It’s your ass.”
I narrowed my brows at him. “You got any better ideas? Besides drugging them?”
My brother looked down at his feet. “Uh, yeah.”
I chuckled, gesturing for him to go on. “I’m all ears.”
“What if we bring them back here to party and get them wasted, but not blackout wasted. Then we offer to give them a ride to their hotel.”
He paused, making eye contact with me. “Go on,” I urged.
“They would willingly walk with us to our cars, would probably pass out on the way, and then we can take them back home with no drama.”
It was a decent plan. “But how do we get them wasted but not too wasted?” I asked with a chuckle.
He shrugged. “I don’t fucking know. Wing it and hope for the best?”
Rolling my eyes, I laughed. “Great plan.”
“Hey, you said no drugs. This is the only thing I can think of with no drugs,” Raleigh replied.
“Let’s go to the buffet and get something to eat. Maybe it will help us think clearer,” I suggested.
“I’ll never turn down food,” Raleigh joked.
“Let me just give Dad an update, and then we can go,” I said.
Me:Hey the girls are going to Fremont tonight and we’re planning to meet them there
Pops:Good. Keep me posted
Me:Will do. Nodin wanted me to let you know he’s coming to the clubhouse tonight to crash for a couple of days