“And some waters, too, please,” Elise added. She pushed the drink toward me. “You first.”
I eyed the smoking drink. “Do you think I should wait until the smoke goes away?”
Elise laughed as she grabbed a watermelon gummy and popped it in her mouth. “No. Drink up, lightweight.”
I took a drink from one of the straws and was surprised by the balance of tangy and sweet with a slight bite of alcohol underneath. “That’s really good. Better than I expected.”
Elise pulled the drink to her and took a sip. A smile curved her lips. “Yummy. We might have to get another one of those.”
I shook my head with a laugh. “I don’t know about that. We should pace ourselves if we’re going to be drinking all night on Fremont.”
Elise frowned, scrunching her nose. “I guess you’re right.” She pushed the drink back toward me. “Always so responsible.”
The server returned with the five rainbow sliders, each one with buns dyed a different color: red, yellow, blue, green, and purple. A little yellow rubber duck sat next to them. Elise took another photo, then grabbed the duck. “So cute.”
“I hope these don’t stain our mouths,” I said as I grabbed the red one, eyeing it suspiciously. “I don’t want to be walking around Vegas with colored lips and teeth.”
Elise grabbed the purple slider and took a bite. Once she finished chewing, she opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue. “So? Is it purple?”
Thankfully, it wasn’t. “No. Thank God.”
She took another bite as I took my first bite of mine. “Pretty good. Nothing special besides the aesthetic,” my best friend commented.
I nodded in agreement. “I’ve heard a lot of things in Vegas are like that. All about the aesthetic.”
Elise took another sip of our drink. “Okay, so we’re pacing ourselves now, but once we get to Fremont, we’re getting wasted, right?”
The thought of losing control made me anxious. I bit down on my bottom lip. “Maybe?”
Elise groaned, then smacked her tongue at me. “C’mon, Luz, live a little. You are finally free of your dad and we’re in Vegas. This is the place to have fun.”
I sighed. “I know, I know. You’re right. I just don’t want to get drunk and lost in an unfamiliar city.”
Elise reached out across the table and took one of my hands in hers. “We won’t. We’ll be fine.”
I knew I was being excessively cautious, so I tried to relax. “Okay. But promise me we’ll stay together. No hooking up tonight.”
Elise smiled sweetly. “I promise.”
Our server set our entree in front of us, and the plate could definitely feed two and then some.
“This looks and smells amazing,” I said.
We both grabbed a fork, then took a bite. Elise moaned as she chewed her food. “This is so good.”
It was really good. “Way better than the sliders.”
“Definitely,” Elise agreed.
As I expected, we couldn’t finish the meal. “I’m so full,” I stated with a groan.
“Me too. But I still want that shake,” Elise replied.
I laughed. “I might be able to take a few sips, but I’m not making any guarantees.”
We decided on the Cookie Monster shake, mainly because it was so cute and we could eat the donut and cupcake later.
When our shake came out, Elise took another picture. “I’m so glad we came here. Thank you, Sapphire.”