I almost hit him back until I saw his playful grin. I had to remind myself that we were friendly now. Holding up my hands in surrender, I apologized, “Sorry, just a little brotherly teasing.”
“Well, you try waking up every two hours to nurse a newborn,” Dixyn retorted as she came over to me. “I’m lucky I get any sleep at all.”
“You still look beautiful to me, kitten,” Bullet said, pulling my sister against him and kissing her.
I frowned. “Ew, can you not do that in front of me?”
Dixyn smiled against Bullet’s lips, then pulled away. “Sorry, big brother, but I’m someone’s old lady now.”
Shaking my head, I changed the subject. “How old is Poppy now?”
“About six weeks,” she answered with a smile as she gazed down at her daughter. She brought her eyes to mine. “Do you want to hold her?”
I tensed. I’d briefly held her when she was a few days old, and I was uncomfortable as hell. “I’m not sure I should. She’s so tiny and breakable.”
Dixyn giggled, then headed for the couch. “Come sit down, and I’ll help you.”
I followed, sitting beside her. “Are you sure? I don’t want to hurt her.”
My sister rolled her eyes. “If this big lug can hold her without breaking her, anyone can,” she joked, gesturing to Bullet.
I was still unsure but tried to relax. “If you say so.”
Dixyn leaned forward, placing Poppy in my arms. “Just support her head in the crook of your elbow.” She helped position Poppy in my cradled arms, then pulled her hands away. “Just like that.”
I stiffened, feeling awkward and unnatural. I didn’t want to move, afraid of dropping her.
Dixyn giggled. “Relax, Jameson. You’re not going to break her.”
“But if you do, I break you,” Bullet threatened gruffly.
I didn’t know if he was kidding or not. I glanced at Dixyn, arching a brow, who threw a death glare at Bullet. “Shut up, Ford.”
He threw his hands up, laughing. “I’m just kidding.”
I forced a chuckle. Poppy started to squirm and cry, and I tensed more, leaning toward Dixyn. “Here, she obviously isn’t happy with me.”
Dixyn shook her head with a laugh. “You’re not getting off that easy. Try bouncing her.”
I did as my sister said, trying to calm the crying baby in my arms. After a few seconds, she started to quiet, her little squirms slowing until she finally stilled. Her scrunched face relaxed, and her little mouth fell open.
“See,” Dixyn whispered, grinning widely. “You’re a natural.”
My chest filled with warmth as I gazed down at the sleeping infant. I couldn’t help but smile at the small accomplishment of soothing her to sleep.
“We might have to have you babysit sometime,” Bullet commented before taking a swig of his beer.
I furrowed my brows. “Um, I don’t think I’m ready for that yet.”
Dixyn laughed, placing a hand on my shoulder. “I’m not ready for that yet, either.”
After I left Dixyn’s, I headed back to the compound. On my way, I got a call from Nodin. “Hey, brother, what’s up?”
“The girl is on the move.”
“Any idea where?”
“I overheard her and her friend talking about a book signing or some shit in Frisco, Texas.”