Frowning, I tried to analyze my reaction. Was it because she was a beautiful woman and getting pulled into our mess with the cartel at no fault of her own? Based on the brief research I’d done, Lucia was pretty sheltered and wasn’t involved in her dad’s criminal underworld. She was innocent, and the only thing she was guilty of was being born into the wrong family.
I pushed my thoughts aside. I couldn’t let doubt and uncertainty cloud my judgment. If Miguel really wasn’t planning to stop coming after us until we were all dead, then we needed to do something drastic to settle the score.
Even if that meant taking an innocent woman hostage.
Since I’d promised Dixyn I’d come visit her and the baby, I thought I’d kill two birds with one stone and fill Bullet in on our plan. I sent my sister a text to make sure he was there before heading over.
It was still weird to me that my sister was the old lady of a Suicide King, and that she’d had a kid with him. Even though we were civil, sometimes the bad blood hung in the air and created tension, especially with some of the non-familial Forsaken. They didn’t care that the Kings had helped save Dixyn, and the rivalry was too deep to forget.
My dad did a good job of reminding them of their place and keeping the peace. I had to admit that sharing the burden of war with the cartel was a nice perk to our new friendliness with the Kings. I’d much rather have a King die than a Forsaken, no matter the status between our clubs.
I knocked on Dixyn and Bullet’s door. After a few seconds, the door opened to Bullet grinning. “Hey, Jameson. Come on in.”
So weird.
I entered, scanning the place for Dixyn and Poppy. I didn’t see them, so I asked Bullet, “Where’s my sister and niece?”
He gestured behind him with a jerk of his head. “Dixyn’s finishing up feeding her. Shouldn’t be too much longer. You want a beer?”
I shrugged. “Sure.”
When he brought me the bottle, I said, “My father wanted me to discuss something with you.”
He arched a brow. “Go on.”
I handed him the file folder. “Raleigh and I were tailed on our last run. We confronted the cunts, and before offing them, one of them told me that they weren’t going to stop until all the Forsaken and Kings were dead.”
Bullet’s jaw clenched as he looked through the papers. “Stupid wetbacks.”
“He said the new boss was looking for revenge for his brother. So I did a little digging and found out who the new leader is.”
“Miguel Alvarez.”
I nodded, taking a swig of my beer. “And he has five daughters, the eldest of which happened to run away from home and is currently on a road trip being tailed by one of our nomads.”
A smirk curved one corner of his lips. “You planning on grabbing her?”
“If she comes this way. Dad wanted to keep you in the loop so you can also be on the lookout for her.”
“Do you think she’ll come here?”
I shrugged. “Not here, but possibly Vegas. From what I gathered so far, she’s been pretty sheltered her whole life, so I think this might be some kind of bucket list trip.”
“And who doesn’t want to go to Vegas?” Bullet said with a chuckle.
Bullet briefly scanned over the photo of Lucia, then closed the folder and handed it back to me. “Send me all this, and I’ll make sure my guys are aware.”
I held up my hand. “You can keep it. I have another copy back at the clubhouse.”
“Thanks, kid. I’ll show the club and make sure everyone is on the lookout.”
A few moments later, Dixyn entered the room, holding Poppy in her arms. She smiled brightly at me. “Hey.”
“Hey.” Her bright red hair was a mess, and she had dark bags under her eyes. “You look like shit.”
Dixyn smacked her teeth as Bullet jabbed my arm. “You watch your mouth.”