“Nodin has been following her since. She’s traveling with a friend, and they’re in New Orleans right now.”
My dad sat back and stroked his beard, staying quiet.
“What are you thinking?” I asked.
“I think reaching out to Nodin was a good idea. Having him tail the girl was an even better one. You went above and beyond what I expected.”
I sat up, swelling with pride. When my grandpa died and my dad became president, he appointed a temporary VP because he wasn’t sure who he wanted to be his second. Currently, I was sergeant at arms, but I’d been trying to prove to him that I could handle the responsibility, and I hoped this put me one step closer to becoming VP. “Thanks, Pops.”
“So tell me where your thought process is now.”
“Well, we don’t know where she’s going.” Leaning forward, I moved the pictures of the other family aside until the eldest daughter Lucia’s was in the center. “I’m hoping that this little joyride she’s on leads anywhere near here, and then we grab her.”
“Take her for ransom?” my dad asked.
I nodded. “Trade her for a cease-fire. He leaves us and the Kings alone, and he gets his daughter back unharmed.”
My dad grinned widely. “Brilliant. Let’s just hope she comes this way. I doubt it would be easy for Nodin to transport a hostage that far without drawing heat.”
“He checks in every night. I’ll stay on top of this and handle everything.”
“Good. I’m pretty sure Miguel will send his men after her. Hopefully, we can get to her first.”
“I’ll make sure to let Nodin know about the possibility and to stay alert,” I replied.
My dad stroked his beard again. “Say we do catch her… where do you plan to keep her?”
I chuckled, rubbing the back of my neck. “I haven’t gotten that far yet. First thought is the compound; second is one of the safe houses in the desert.”
He nodded. “Pros and cons to each. Compound would be better guarded but would draw heat from the cartel. Safe house is harder to find but less defense against an attack.”
I shrugged. “Luckily, we have some time to think about it. If she does come this way, it won’t be for a few days at least.”
“Nice work, son. If we’re able to get our hands on her, it’s a game changer.”
Pride filled me again from his praise. My dad didn’t give it easily and definitely wasn’t one for feelings. The only time I ever saw him vulnerable was with Dixyn and his new granddaughter, and that was rare. “I won’t let you down.”
“Good. Take this info to Bullet and let him know what’s going on. With more eyes looking for this girl, the more likely we are to get her.”
I nodded. “I will.”
He straightened the photos and papers before putting them back in the file folder and handing them to me. “Anything else?”
That was his way of wrapping things up. “Nope. I’ll keep you updated.”
I stood and took the file folder from him, then turned for the exit.
“Oh, wait. Did you inventory all the new pieces from the last drop?”
I paused at the door and turned around. “Yep. Finished yesterday. All logged and accounted for.”
My dad gave me a half grin. “Good. Thanks again, son.”
I smiled back. “No problem, Pops.”
As I walked out, my mind was racing. I wondered if we could really get that lucky to have the daughter of the new cartel lord get close enough to kidnap her and use her to our benefit.
In the decade I’d been a formal member of the Forsaken, we’d done plenty of kidnapping and ransoms, so I was comfortable with the task. But as I opened the folder and looked down at the picture of my target, guilt gnawed at me.