Page 82 of Bullet

Everyone nodded or grunted their approval, and we all mounted our bikes and got on the forty toward fifteen. I called Trey on the way, and if we hauled ass, we could hit them at the intersection of the two highways.

I just prayed we made it in time.

* * *

We were a few miles outside of where the forty intersected the fifteen when Trey called. I pressed the Bluetooth in my ear and answered, “Hello?”

“Are you close? Because something is going down right now.”

“The fuck you mean?” I asked, my concern for Dixyn growing.

“They pulled off the highway just past the forty and another crew in a different SUV just pulled up behind them.”

My mind raced as I tried to figure out what they were doing. Then it hit me. “Shit, they’re probably going to transfer her to the other vehicle and transport her over the border in that. We need to stop them before they complete the transfer.”

“What do you want me to do, boss?”

“If they start to leave, create a diversion. Blow out their tires, kill someone, I don’t care just don’t let them leave. We’ll be there in less than five.”

When the SUVs came into view, my heart started to pound. Dixyn was so close. I didn’t want to put her in any more danger than she already was in, but I didn’t see any way around bullets being exchanged.

I motioned to everyone behind me to be ready. We didn’t know exactly how things would go down, but I’d do anything to get Dixyn.

We were lucky to be coming from behind because we had a small element of surprise, but it was hard to ignore the rumble of the engines of over thirty bikes.

I heard gunshots and the sound of bullets whizzing past me as we neared. Pulling out my X9, I quickly scanned for Dixyn before returning fire. Chaos ensued as my men shot at the two SUVs and the Forsaken went to block them off.

Then a man pulled Dixyn out of the back of one of the SUVs and I froze, stopping my bike. I held up my fist, signaling my men to cease fire. “Stop!” I bellowed over all the noise.

The Forsaken were in position, and all my men had their weapons trained on the cartel. We had them outnumbered three to one, but the gun pressed against Dixyn’s temple tipped the scales.

Her eyes met mine, and she tried to escape her captor’s grasp. “Ford,” she cried out, the strangled sound piercing my heart. I had to stop myself from going to her, a growl rumbling low in my throat.

She was wrapped in only a towel, and her hair was in a messy bun on the top of her head. She looked terrified, and I wanted to personally torture every motherfucker there for touching her.

The man with the gun to her head addressed me. “Let us go or I kill her.”

I thought he was bluffing. I doubted Matteo wanted to kill Dixyn. Otherwise, she’d be dead already. “I don’t think your boss will like it if she ends up dead.”

The cartel scum scowled, pressing the gun harder against Dixyn’s temple, and I tensed. “If he can’t have her, he doesn’t want anyone to have her. He said to bring her back dead or alive.”

Well, shit.

I glanced over at Apache, who gave me a stiff nod. Even though I didn’t want to let Dixyn go, it was better for us to regroup, then go after her. There was too much risk for her to get hurt in the massacre that would occur if shit went down.

I nodded back, then turned my attention back to the cartel asshole. “Fine.” I held my hands up. “We’ll let you go.”

He sneered. “If I see one motorcycle following us, I put a bullet in her head; got it?”

The fear in Dixyn’s eyes almost broke me. I hoped she knew I was going to come for her. “Yeah, I got it.”

Keeping my eyes on hers, I watched as he put her in the back of the other SUV and got in behind her. Then the rest of the men got in the two vehicles and drove off.

When they were out of sight, I cursed, “Fuck!”

The Forsaken regrouped with my men on the side of the road. “What are we going to do?” Raleigh asked, panic evident in his frantic tone.

“Trey, go after them, but stay out of sight.” I grabbed him by his cut and pulled him to me, getting in his face. “I swear to God if they see you and kill her because of it, I will slit your fucking throat. You hear me?”