I gaped at her. “Oh my God, Nina. Holy fucking shit.”
“Yeah, and I told him about the bachelorette party, and he told me to have fun and spare no expense.”
I chuckled. “Damn, girl, you hit the jackpot. Literally.”
“It’s really not about the money. I would still want him regardless. If anything, I feel like the money gets in the way.”
“Well, don’t let it. Consider it icing on your favorite cake. It’s hard to find rich men who aren’t stuck-up assholes. I think you should tell him how you feel.”
Nina nodded with a wistful smile on her face. “I think I will. He’s taking me to dinner tonight. I’ll tell him then.”
“Good.” I clapped my hands, then let out a little squeal. “I’m so happy for you, girl.” She deserved happiness more than anyone I knew.
We finalized the remaining plans for the bachelorette party, then I got ready to go back to Ford’s.
“You sure you’re okay over there? I don’t mind you staying here,” Nina commented as she walked me to the door.
I smiled. I didn’t have any doubts about staying with Ford. I felt like I was where I was supposed to be. “I’m good, girl. Don’t worry about me.”
My friend hugged me. “Okay. Tell Ford that if he hurts you, he has to answer to me.”
I laughed. “I’ll be sure to let him know.”
I decided to make Ford dinner that night to thank him for letting me stay at his place. I stopped by the grocery store on my way there and noticed a biker seemed to be following me as I shopped. I wondered if my dad had sent someone after me, so I grabbed a meat tenderizer to defend myself in case something happened.
After gathering everything I needed to make dinner, I was sure I was being followed, and fear crept in my stomach. I knew my dad was pissed off at me, but I never thought he’d send someone to hurt me.
Anger overcame my fear, giving me a sudden bout of courage. Tenderizer in hand, I approached the biker and confronted him, “Why are you following me? Did my dad send you?”
The biker looked shocked and a little fearful. I raised my weapon, attempting to show I meant business.
He put up his hands in a gesture of surrender. “Wait, wait, wait. I’m not here to hurt you. Bullet sent me to make sure you were okay; make sure the cartel aren’t following you.”
My brow furrowed as my mind put two and two together. “Oh.” I lowered the meat tenderizer. “Sorry about that.”
The biker gave me a sheepish grin. He looked young, maybe around my age or a few years older. Probably a prospect if Ford put him on babysitting duty. “Name’s Trey.”
I felt slightly embarrassed for almost attacking him with a kitchen tool. “Dixyn. Sorry again.”
“No harm done.” He ran a hand over his buzzed head. “I’ll try to be more stealthy. Obviously, I need some work.”
I laughed, then went back to my cart and checked out.
When I got back to Ford’s, I started on dinner. I planned to make him a nice pork tenderloin with risotto and honey glazed carrots.
I sent him a text as the pork was in the oven.
Me:What time will you be home?
He replied right away.
Ford:Why? Miss me?
I couldn’t help but smile and roll my eyes as I messaged him back.
Me:I have a surprise for you
His response was almost instant.