* * *
After getting dirtier in the shower, we cleaned up, then I ordered a pizza. Dixyn was wearing one of my shirts, but it was more like a dress on her.
I smiled as she danced around my kitchen to some pop song on the radio, drinking a beer. My heart warmed at the sight, and I realized I couldn’t remember a time I’d been that happy. She filled a part of me that always felt like something was missing, and I didn’t want to lose that.
The doorbell rang, and I went to greet the pizza delivery guy and pay him. When I brought the pizza to the table, Dixyn turned off the music and sat down.
I grabbed some paper plates and handed them to her before sitting down myself. After we each got a slice, I asked, “Have things been okay at home since your dad caught us?”
She finished chewing her bite, then let out a sigh. “I haven’t seen him since. I’ve been staying at Nina’s.”
I nodded as I took a bite. “If you need a place to stay, you can crash here.”
Her cheeks turned pink as a smile curved her lips. “Oh, yeah? That wouldn’t be too much for you?”
I hadn’t lived with a woman since my mother. I didn’t want things between us to get too serious, but I would worry less if she was staying with me so I could keep an eye on her. The cartel knew better than to come to my house. Not to mention, I’d have pussy on demand. “No. It’s partly my fault that this happened, and I own up to my mistakes. Plus, I like seeing you dance around my kitchen in my shirt.”
“I’m sure that’s the reason you’d want me around,” she responded with a playful eye roll.
“Well, I’d be lying if I said that I wouldn’t enjoy you in my bed and being able to put my dick in that pussy whenever I want.”
She shook her head with a laugh. “I might take you up on that. Not like we have to hide anymore.”
I nodded and took another bite of my pizza. My thoughts went to the news Dead Man had told me earlier about the cartel in Bullhead City. Technically, they were out of Laughlin, but still too close for comfort. I hoped that they were smart enough to stay away from Dixyn. “I can protect you better here, too.”
Her eyes widened a little as she swallowed deeply. “I feel safest with you.”
I swelled with pride. “I’ll always protect you, kitten. Never doubt that.”
She looked down, biting back a sob. “I don’t want them to take me back to him, Ford. Please don’t let them take me back.”
Getting out of my seat, I went over to her and knelt down. Tears were trickling down her cheeks, and my chest tightened. I hated seeing her scared and upset, and I cursed Matteo for hurting her. “Hey, I’m not going to let them touch you.” I lifted her chin so I could look her in the eyes. “I will end anyone who tries to hurt you, you hear me?”
Nodding, she threw her arms around my neck, squeezing me tightly. I wrapped her in my embrace, sitting in the chair as I pulled her into my lap. “I won’t let anything happen to you, kitten.” I pressed a kiss to her temple.
Having her in my arms was the best feeling. There was no denying Dixyn meant something to me, but every time I tried to voice how I felt, I couldn’t. Fear and doubt strangled the words in my throat. Letting her in meant being vulnerable, and being vulnerable meant I could get hurt. I didn’t need anyone, especially the cartel, knowing my weakness.
I only had one, and it was her.