Page 58 of Bullet

Ford took me back to his place to get cleaned up when we woke up. We'd fallen asleep naked in each other's arms with just the blanket and moonlight covering us. It was the most romantic night I'd ever experienced, which was ironic since Ford was a hard-ass biker, and he'd fucked me in the ass.

He took me back to my car after I showered and changed. When I handed him my helmet, he grabbed me and pulled me to him before kissing me long and hard. “See you later?”

Wobbling a little from the daze of his kiss, I gripped his long beard and kissed him again, smiling. “If you're lucky.”

He grinned at me, making my heart melt as he revved his bike and took off.

I got in my car, wincing as I sat down. A small chuckle escaped me knowing Ford would love the fact that he was affecting me even when we weren't together.

I went home to find both of my brothers and my dad home. Bags filled with guns sat on the table and my stomach filled with dread as they scurried around the house. “What's up?”

Jameson set another duffel on the table. “Have a run; leaving tonight.”

My brows pulled together. “All of you? Dad too?”

“Yep,” my dad answered. “Big job.”

A lump suddenly formed in my throat as unease filled me. “How long will you be gone?”

“A few days; week tops,” Raleigh answered. “Not to worry, little sister.”

I scoffed. “Easier said than done.”

My dad came over and kissed the top of my head. “You won't even know we're gone. You work so much and are over at Nina's most of the time, so you'll be fine.”

I felt a pang of guilt for lying about my whereabouts. “It's not me I'm worried about.”

My dad chuckled. “We'll be fine. Done this hundreds of times, Dixie girl.”

I crossed my arms as I watched them zip up some of the bags. I needed something to keep me busy and keep my mind off them leaving. “At least let me make you a homecooked meal before you go.”

My dad grinned at me. “That sounds great, sweetheart. We're not leaving until late, so we've got time for supper.”

A little bit of relief washed over me, and I nodded. “Okay, I'll go to the store to grab some stuff.”

One of my favorite hobbies was cooking. Back in high school, I'd done most of the cooking at home, especially after my grandma passed away. But once I'd moved away, I didn't get to that much since I'd lived alone.

As I shopped for the ingredients for my favorite lasagna recipe, my thoughts turned to Ford. The night we'd had lingered in the back of my mind and made me want more of my forbidden biker.

He said he'd claimed me, so how deep did that claim go? What did that mean for us?

I'd said I'd never wanted to be an old lady, but that didn't mean that I wanted Ford hooking up with anyone else either. And I'm pretty sure he didn't want me fucking other guys. I needed clarification on what was going on between us to see if he felt the same.

I decided to text him.

Me:Can you meet me tonight?

He didn't reply right away. I finished my grocery shopping and was loading the groceries in my car when he texted me back.

Ford:Sure, kitten. Where and when?

Me:Your place?

Ford:Ok, I'll meet you there at 11

Me:K :)

Sighing, I finished loading my groceries and drove home. With my dad and brothers going on a run, I didn't have to worry about being caught with Ford as much, but the concern was always there in the back of my mind.