“Absolutely gorgeous. Meghan is going to be blown away.”
Hannah squealed, eyes glossy with happiness. “Yay. Let me get out of this, and we'll go grab lunch.”
After Hannah finalized her dress with her wedding planner, we went to a nearby bistro to eat lunch.
“I'm so glad I have you guys to help me with all this wedding planning. I don't know what I'd do without you.”
I smiled. I'd missed the camaraderie of girlfriends. “Of course. I know I wouldn't miss it.”
Nina mumbled around a bite of her food. “Yeah, what she said.”
We all laughed. “You're going with Meghan to pick out hers, too, right?”
“Yeah. Next weekend, I think.” I looked at Nina for confirmation, but she shrugged. I shook my head with a laugh. She was more disorganized than I was.
“Good. Her other friends haven't been the most understanding. Most thought it was just a phase.” She shrugged, a deflated frown on her face.
“Well, fuck them. If they don't accept your relationship, they're not real friends,” Nina said.
I reached across the table and placed my hand on her arm. “We're here for both of you. Always.”
She smiled as she glanced back and forth between Nina and me. “I love you guys.”
Before finishing up lunch, we made plans to meet with a caterer after Meghan's dress fitting the following weekend.
As Nina and I walked to our cars, she asked, “You want to come over tonight? Watch some Netflix, order pizza, drink some wine?”
I smiled. Having a relaxing girls' night was just what I needed. “Sure. Count me in.”