Nina licked her lips. “We wouldn't want it to go to waste, right?”
Our opponents were totally enraptured by our act. I pulled my hair out of the way, and Nina leaned in, trailing her tongue along my jawline. I tipped my head back, letting my eyes close as I immersed myself in our performance.
She made her way down my collarbone as I bit my bottom lip, suppressing a moan. I leaned back against the chair behind me as she reached my breasts and parted my legs so she could get closer.
I was all for the dick, but my friends and I had experimented several times back in high school. I had no problem appreciating the female form, and hooking up with a hot woman wasn't off the table.
Nina licked the tops of my breasts, then buried her face in my cleavage, making sure to get every last drop of the alcohol she'd spilled on me.
My panties were damp with arousal as Nina made her way back up my neck. I'd forgotten about our ploy when Rhett came up to us. “You win, princess.”
I glanced at him as Nina continued to kiss and lick my neck, holding his gaze as I gave him a seductive smile.
“You girls wanna get outta here?” Rhett asked, cocking a brow.
Nina pulled back, darting her eyes back and forth between Rhett and me with desire. She bit her bottom lip as I nodded. “Sure.”
The guys bought us another round of drinks after conceding defeat, then paid our tab, as well. Nina and I said goodbye to Hannah and Meghan as Rhett did the same with his buddies.
Rhett draped an arm around each of us and led us to his lifted Ford Raptor.
As we buckled in, he started the truck. “I'm staying at a casino nearby. That okay for you girls?”
“Yeah,” I answered. I could tell by his accent that he wasn't from Laughlin. “Where are you from?”
“Dallas, Texas. My buddies and I are doing a summer road trip to California before the fall semester. Hittin' as many stops as we can along the way; Vegas, the Grand Canyon, Denver, then up the Cali coast.”
Well, at least I didn't have to worry about any hookup drama since he wasn't sticking around. “A Texan, huh? Is it true that everything is bigger in Texas?”
Rhett winked at me. “You'll find out soon enough, sweetheart.”
If the feel of his erection from earlier that night was any indication, things were definitely bigger in Texas.
“How long are you in town for?” Nina asked.
“A few days. I wouldn't mind you ladies keeping me company while I'm here if you'd like.”
I smiled coyly. “I think that could be arranged.” A few days with a hot cowboy could be just what I needed to get my mind off Ford.
Rhett pulled into one of the casino parking lots and parked his truck. We followed him inside, and he led us up to his room.
“Y'all want a drink? Got a pretty sweet minibar in here.”
“Sure,” Nina replied.
I shrugged. “What you got?”
“Vodka, tequila, rum, Coke, cranberry, pineapple.”
“Vodka pineapple for me.”
Nina raised her hand. “Rum and Coke.”
Rhett smiled. “Comin' right up.”
The handsome cowboy made our drinks and brought them to us. I was pretty drunk but felt amazing. By the gleeful look on Nina's face, she felt the same.
We sat down on the plush leather couch. I took a sip of my drink, then set it down on the coffee table before turning toward Rhett. I started unbuttoning his shirt, and asked, “You have a condom?”