Hannah frowned, scrunching her nose. “You mean the brothel?”
I didn't know about the brothel part, but it would make sense since it was the Suicide Kings' bar; pussy and booze in one place. “I don't know. I went there when I was applying for jobs yesterday,” I lied. I didn't want anyone knowing about my rendezvous with Ford. “Seemed like a cool place.”
“Yeah, if you want to catch an STD,” Meghan joked.
The girls and I had a few drinks before calling it a night. I made sure to pace myself so I didn't end up with another hangover the next day.
“Don't forget about the party this weekend! We're hitting up the strip club to celebrate the death of our freedom,” Meghan called out after me.
I laughed as Hannah smacked her in the arm, obviously offended. “Hey, I resent that. You asked me, remember?”
Meghan pulled Hannah into a hug and kissed her. “And it was the best thing I ever did. I was just teasing.”
The two proceeded to have a full-blown make-out session on the sidewalk, and to be honest, it was kind of hot.
Nina and I looked at each other and laughed. “Okay, see y'all later. Bye,” I said with a wave before walking to my car.
When I got home, Jameson was smoking a cigarette on the porch. “Hey,” I greeted.
He blew smoke up in the air, his eyes narrowed in suspicion. “Where were you last night?”
I rolled my eyes. “Not you, too.” I was tired of the macho biker shit. “None of your business.”
He blocked my path as I tried to enter the house. “My little sister is my goddamn business. Especially when word on the street is you went home with Bullet last night.”
I arched a brow. “Word on the street? And who the hell is Bullet?”
“Don't play dumb, Dixyn. Ford Lawson, the guy we told you to stay away from.”
“Look, I'm not a little girl anymore. I'm an adult, and I can do what and who I damn well please.”
His face turned red with anger as he fumed, “So you're saying it's true?”
“No,” I lied. I was still sore from hooking up with Ford so there was no ignoring that fact. But my family didn't need to know about it. Not like it was going to happen again. “You know I would never get involved with a biker. I hate the lifestyle and drama.”
My brother stared me down for a few seconds, and I hoped he couldn't hear my pounding heart. “Well, let's keep it that way.”
On the outside, I acted like I didn't care, but internally, I sighed with relief. I didn't want to cause a war between the two rival clubs, no matter how good the dick was. I didn't need more drama in my life.
Rolling my eyes again, I brushed passed Jameson and went inside. Raleigh was sitting at the kitchen table, smoking a joint. He grinned at me with hazy eyes. “Want a hit?”
I sat down beside him and smiled as he handed me the joint. “Just what I needed. Thanks.”
I took a long drag, holding the smoke in as I passed it back to my brother. After a few seconds, I slowly exhaled out my nose. “Damn, what is that?”
“Grape Ape. Helps me sleep.”
“Does it help with nightmares?” I asked, hoping it would help me get a good night's rest.
“What are you having nightmares about?” he asked before taking a quick puff.
“Grandpa's accident.”
He nodded and handed the joint back to me. “I never dream when I smoke it. Knocks me on my ass.”
I chuckled. “Good. I haven't slept well in weeks.”
After a few more hits, I went upstairs to bed. I planned to go to the Laughlin strip in the morning and apply at the casinos, starting with the one Nina worked at.