I hoped he would get my flirty innuendo. I definitely wouldn't mind another session between the sheets with him.
Ford:I can think of something ;)
I giggled. My conscience made another futile attempt to tell me that continuing things with Ford was a bad idea as I paused, thinking of a reply.
I bit my bottom lip. Would it really be so bad to have some secret fun? No strings attached, no relationship bullshit, no drama; just mind-blowing sex to fulfill a need, a need every adult had.
At that moment, I didn't see the harm in it.
Me:Lol maybe if you're lucky ;)
After flirting back and forth a bit, I decided to download all my old apps to my new phone and use them. I hadn't been on social media since I’d left LA, but I'd made sure to block Matteo and any of our mutual acquaintances when I'd formed my escape plan, so I wasn't worried about using social media.
After linking my accounts, I logged onto my Facebook and saw I had a ton of messages from friends offering their condolences about my grandpa. One, in particular, stood out from one of my good friends from high school, Nina. I'd kept in touch with a handful of people when I'd left town, and being back made me want to reconnect.
I opened the message strand and typed a reply:
Me:Thank you. I decided to move back and am going a little stir-crazy being cooped up with my brothers and dad. Are you busy tonight?
A few seconds passed before she saw my message, but she instantly replied.
Nina:Let's get together :) the girls and I were planning to go to dinner tonight if you'd like to come with.
Back in high school, we had a tight-knit group of friends and always hung out together. The four of us were practically inseparable during our free time. I'd kept in touch with all my girls when I'd left, and I was glad I did.
Me:Yes!! I haven't seen you guys in forever, and I need some fun in my life
Nina:Yay! We're meeting at D'angelo's at 8
Me:Ok see you then :)
As I got ready, I reminisced about my friends. We had so much fun back in the day, and they were the hardest for me to leave behind. I was closest with Nina. She was blunt, beautiful, and always spoke her mind. She had light brown hair, green eyes, and a body most women would kill for.
Hannah was the Goody-two shoes of our group. She made straight A's, always followed the rules, and was as sharp as a tack. She was biracial, with beautiful caramel-colored skin, dark, tight curls, and hazel eyes. She reminded me of Beyonce and was just as fabulous.
Meghan was the badass of our circle. She was fearless, always took risks, and didn't take shit from anyone. She had dirty blond hair, blue eyes, and was petite. We both always joked how we wished we'd gotten more in the boob department since we were both tiny in that aspect.
Lately, more often than not, I'd regretted my decision to leave, even more so after the events of the past year. Chasing my dreams wasn't worth the pain and struggles I'd endured, especially since those dreams were left unfulfilled. Even though I couldn't change the past, I was ready to take control of my future.
Hannah and Nina were already there when I arrived. I hugged each of them tightly. “God, I've missed you guys so much.”
Before they could respond, I was ambushed from behind. My other friend Meghan squeezed me, and squealed, “I can't believe you're back!”
I laughed. “You and me both. I never thought I'd come back. I always thought I'd be flying y'all out to visit me when I hit it big.” I shook my head. “What a joke that was.”
My friends gave me sympathetic smiles before Nina said, “None of that Debbie Downer shit. We haven't seen you in years, and we're here to catch up and have a good time.”
“Damn straight,” Meghan agreed.
I let out a soft laugh, thankful for my friends. “How did I make it without you guys?”
Hannah draped an arm around my shoulder and led me toward the entrance. “Hell if I know.”
After we were seated and ordered our first round of drinks, I asked, “So what's new with y'all? What have I missed?”
Hannah and Meghan glanced at each other before quickly averting their eyes. I knew that look. “What?”
A small smile curved Hannah's lips as her cheeks flushed. “Well, Meghan and I are getting married.”