Page 14 of Bullet

I'd fucked Apache's daughter; a twenty-two-year-old kid.

And she was the best fucking lay of my life.

I didn't know what to think about that. Were my previous partners that shitty, or was the Forsaken princess just that good?

Head throbbing, I rolled over in bed, trying to shield my eyes from the light streaming through the windows.

My eyes sprang open as I felt something in my bed that shouldn't have been there. Long, red locks, fat ass, and lips to die for curled up next to me.

I'd forgotten I'd brought her home, but the night was slowly coming back to me. We'd both decided that fucking was a bad idea, but that didn't stop us from getting wasted and coming back to my place to make more bad decisions. On the table. On the kitchen counter. In the shower. Then finishing off in the bed.

A grin curved my lips. The little kitten was a tiger in the sack. She was my best one-night stand by a mile.

But now I needed to get her out of my bed and on her way.

I lightly shook her. “Hey, kid.”

She stirred a little, but her eyes remained closed. I shook her a little harder. “Hey, wake up. Time to go.”

Her eyes sprang open, and she sat up, then winced, bringing her fingers up to her temples. “Fuck,” she groaned.

My chuckle brought her attention to me, and she jumped off the bed like it had caught fire. “Where the hell am I?”

I laughed harder at the bewildered look on her face. “My place.”

“Shit!” she shrieked, grabbing her discarded clothes from the floor. “Shit, shit, shit!”

Dixyn got dressed in lightning speed before grabbing her purse. Digging through it, she cursed again when she pulled out her phone. “Fuck!”

She rushed out of my bedroom. About a minute later, she came rushing back in. “Where's my car?”

I shrugged. “I don't know. Pretty sure we rode my bike back.”

She groaned in frustration. “This is not happening.”

“Look, whatever meltdown you're having, can you take it outside?”

Her eyebrows flew up into her forehead. “Are you fucking kidding me? This is your fucking fault, asshole!”

I stood with a laugh. “My fault? It takes two to tango, sweetheart.”

“Yeah, but you brought me here without my car and just expect me to leave without a ride?”

I scoffed. “This is the twenty-first century, kid. Get an Uber or something.”

“My phone is dead.” She held up the dark screen so I could see.

I crossed my arms over my chest. “Not my problem.”

“Ugh! You're such a dick!” she yelled before storming out of my bedroom. I heard the front door slam a few seconds later.

I sighed before running a hand through my hair. I didn't need drama with the Forsaken, no matter how good the pussy was. It was best to rip the Band-Aid off rather than drag things out.

A few seconds passed, and the guilt gnawed at me. “Fuck,” I huffed before getting dressed and putting my cut and boots on. I was an asshole, but I didn't want the poor girl to walk in the scorching Nevada desert heat, especially with a hangover.

I went outside, expecting her to be sulking on my porch, but she was already gone. Even though I barely knew her, I'd already discovered her hardheadedness.

Hopping on my bike, I backed it down the driveway and pulled onto the street before starting it up. Then I rode toward Harlot's, hoping Dixyn had some sense of direction.