Page 87 of Bullet

When we finally made it to the trees bordering Matteo’s property, I was about to come undone. Adrenaline rushed through my veins, my heart pounding like it always did before I was about to shed blood. I needed to have Dixyn back in my arms where she belonged.

All my men and the men of the Forsaken readied up, making sure our clips were full and guns were loaded. Apache even had a fucking RPG, which I hated to admit was badass. I had a double shoulder holster with my two X9s, my semi-auto shotgun, an MP5, and a Glock on each hip.

After everyone was locked and loaded, Hawk and my best sniper, AK, got in position to take out Matteo’s men manning the guard towers. Both were precise and swift, taking out each of their marks in less than ten seconds.

“Let’s move,” I motioned, emerging from the cluster of trees.

I kept my eyes on the property, looking for movement or any indication we’d been discovered, but everything seemed normal. The Kings and I were coming up on the back end of the property while the Forsaken were taking the front. While our men took out Matteo’s, Apache and I planned to meet in the house and search for Dixyn.

I wanted to charge in there with guns blazing, but using stealth and surprise was the best option, considering the situation, and we needed to use that to our advantage for as long as we could.

Matteo’s property was enclosed by a stone wall which we’d either have to blow up or jump because there was no gate. AK had some grenades that would do the trick, but that would definitely alert everyone to our presence.

But when an alarm went off, and gunfire sounded from the front of the property, that didn’t matter anymore. “Light it up, AK,” I instructed my sergeant at arms.

He tossed two grenades at the wall, and we backed up out of the range of the explosion. When the smoke cleared, there was a nice sized opening in the wall for us to enter through.

“Bring ’em hell, boys!” I yelled as I charged through.

Matteo’s men were making their way toward the front of the property, drawn by the Forsaken since they’d obviously been discovered first. I quickly scanned for Dixyn before letting my MP5 sing, taking out several of Matteo’s men.

My men spread out as headed for the house, my main focus on finding Dixyn. She had to be inside somewhere; otherwise, Apache would’ve signaled me that he’d found her.

As I made a beeline for the back door, a group of cartel lackeys came running out. Every minute that ticked by made me more enraged, and each man who got in my way was going to feel my wrath.

I lit them up, but two were able to take cover before I took them out. They shot at me, so I had to duck behind a ridiculous fountain for cover.

“You okay, Pres?” AK called out as he shot at a few men from behind a tree.

“I’d be better once I get in there and rescue my lady,” I said as I peeked around the fountain. A couple of bullets whizzed by my head as others embedded in the stone of the fountain.

He laughed as he put a bullet between the eyes of one of Matteo’s men. AK reveled in destruction and mayhem, so I was sure he was loving every minute of the bloodshed. That was one of the reasons I’d made him my sergeant at arms. He definitely knew his way around weapons. “I can cover you,” he shouted.

Before I could respond, I heard Dixyn’s screams. My head snapped in the direction of the piercing sound, and my blood boiled when I saw Matteo knock Dixyn out with his gun. I was going to kill that motherfucker. “Dixyn!” I let out in a howl of rage.

Matteo’s head jerked up toward me as he slung Dixyn over his shoulder, and he winked at me.

And I lost it.

Charging from behind the fountain, I took out the remaining two men guarding Matteo, then chased after him. I couldn’t let him get Dixyn on that chopper or I’d probably never see her again.

The blades of the helicopter started turning, and I cursed, fearing I wouldn’t reach them in time. Then I saw Apache in the distance with the RPG aimed at the chopper and stopped.

He fired and hit his target. The helicopter exploded in a blast of orange and yellow, shrapnel flying everywhere. Matteo and Dixyn were thrown backward from the blast, landing about ten feet from where they were.

“Dixyn!” I yelled as I ran toward them, concerned about her being injured from the blast.

Matteo scrambled to get up, frantically darting his eyes around. I followed his gaze. The Kings and Forsaken had taken out most of his men and were taking care of the rest.

“Nowhere else to run,” I remarked, slowing my pace as I reached him.

Apache came up from behind, chuckling. “Sorry about your chopper.”

Matteo picked Dixyn up, and she wobbled unsteadily on her feet as he placed a gun against her head. She was obviously dazed, eyes blinking several times as her brows furrowed in confusion.

My heart was about to bust out of my chest. “Let her go,” I demanded, pointing my X9 at him.

Matteo sneered, pressing his gun harder against Dixyn's temple. Her chest started heaving with heavy breaths, and her eyes widened as she finally realized what was going on. “Ford,” she whimpered.