His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed deeply. “Yes, sir.”
I shoved him away. “Good. Now, hurry up before you lose them.”
Once Trey was gone, I addressed the group. “Since that plan went to shit, we have to move to plan B. We’re going to have to attack Matteo’s compound.”
I took the file I had on Matteo out of my saddlebag and smoothed it out over the seat of my bike. “He has guard towers on each corner of the property. We’ll have to take them out quickly and quietly.” I glanced at Apache. “You have a good sniper?”
“Yeah, Hawk. Best long-range marksman I’ve ever seen.”
“Okay.” I looked back down at the blueprint of Matteo’s compound. “I think the best plan would be for us to split up. One club take the front of the property, the other take the back. Have snipers take out all the guard towers, then try to sneak in without drawing any attention.”
Apache nodded. “And if we do draw attention?”
“We rain down hell on them,” I answered. I was willing to go to any lengths to get Dixyn back.
Matteo’s compound was a couple of hours from the border outside Tijuana. Based on the images we had of the layout, there was a small patch of trees right outside the property we could use to conceal ourselves before attacking. We made plans to use that as our regrouping point.
We were still a couple of hours from the border, so we set out on our way, only stopping to refill our tanks with gas. Trey had tracked the vehicles to an abandoned convenience store, but they were already gone when he got there. After searching the place, he informed me of a man-made tunnel at the back of the store, so we planned to use that to cross into Mexico.
Once we arrived at the store, I surveyed the inside. The tunnel was pretty tight, and the only way we were going to get the bikes through was to walk them. And there was no way in hell I was leaving my bike behind.
We used a couple of old steel doors that had fallen off the hinges as a ramp for us to wheel the bikes down, then we carefully made our way through the tunnel. It was a tight squeeze to say the least, especially for a bunch of burly bikers.
“Hey, Dimes, bet you haven’t been in something this tight since you popped that virgin’s cherry at Harlot’s a few years back,” Ajax teased.
The guys laughed and oohed as Dimes retorted, “Hey, fuck you, man. Every bitch I bang is tighter than your momma’s pussy.”
The guys kept trading jabs and jokes back and forth, but all I could think about was getting to Dixyn. I didn’t want Matteo putting his hands on her again, and I’d promised I wouldn’t let him hurt her. I felt like the biggest piece of shit for not keeping my promise.
But I sure as hell was going to make it up to her, burning Matteo’s place to the ground in the process.