Page 56 of Bullet

I grinned, pleased with his embarrassment. “Good. I wouldn't want to tell you about the time with the dildo and two frat boys.”

He put his hands over his ears, then turned and walked away. “La, la, la, la, la!” he yelled, drowning me out.

I fell on the bed in a fit of giggles. Torturing older brothers was fun.

I waited for Ford outside after my shift. He pulled up a few minutes after ten and stopped the bike in front of me and got off. Butterflies swarmed my stomach as he slipped off his helmet and ran a hand through his hair to get it out of his face. “Hey,” he greeted.

My cheeks heated as a cheesy grin spread over my face. Ford had me feeling like I was back in high school with some silly crush. “Hey.”

He took my bag and secured it on the back of his bike, then handed me a helmet. “Hop on.”

I slipped the helmet on and got on behind him. Once I wrapped my arms around him, we drove off.

“Where are we going?” I yelled.

“A surprise,” he yelled back.

I shook my head. I should've known he wasn't going to tell me, but it didn't take long for me to figure out where we were going once we were out of the city.

I clutched him tighter as I gazed at Spirit Mountain getting closer. My chest tightened with emotion as I wondered why he was taking me somewhere so special to me.

We drove up to Grapevine Canyon, where he finally stopped and parked the bike near the small spring that flowed up there. “What are we doing here, Ford?”

He hopped off the bike and took off his helmet. “Camping.” He went to the back of the bike and grabbed my bag and one I assumed was his. “I brought snacks, a couple of blankets, beer. Everything we need.”

My heart swelled, and I couldn't help but smile. Not falling for Ford was going to be harder than I expected, especially if he continued doing thoughtful shit.

We set up camp, complete with a fire. We sat down on one of the blankets Ford had laid out, and he dug through his bag, pulled out a beer, and handed it to me.

“This is not what I expected when you told me to pack a bag.”

He chuckled as he grabbed a beer for himself. “Well, I hope it was a good surprise.”

I stared at him, the light from the flames dancing over his handsome, rugged face. “Yeah, it was. Thank you.”

He smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. “You're welcome.”

After a couple of beers, Ford laid down and stared up at the stars. “Tell me one of your grandpa's stories.”

I finished my beer and laid down next to him with a sigh. My eyes scanned the night sky as I searched for the Big Dipper. “My favorite is about the Big Dipper,” I said, pointing at the constellation. “My grandpa said that according to legend, a great bear was pursued by three Indian braves. The chase began at the beginning of time when the first Indian shot and struck the bear in the side with his bow and arrow. The wound wasn’t fatal, so the bear kept running. He has been running across the sky ever since.”

I could see Ford watching me out of the corner of my eye, so I continued, “The bear’s path changes from season to season. In the fall, he begins low in the northwest. During this season, the arrow wound of the bear opens slightly, and a little blood trickles down upon the land. It covers the leaves of the trees and dyes them red, and that is why we have autumn.”

“That's morbid,” Ford commented. “You learned this when you were a kid?”

I chuckled. “It does seem kinda morbid now that I look back on it, but when we were little, my brothers and I would pretend to be the three Indian braves and my grandpa would be the bear.” I laughed as I remembered the times we'd act out the story. “He was so great at it. He'd roar and grunt just like a bear and was so dramatic whenever he got shot. My sides would hurt from laughing so much.” I let out a whimsical sigh. “I'll never forget that.”

We stared up at the twinkling stars, bright and vibrant without any light pollution. “I really love it out here.” I turned my head to look at him, and he did the same, smiling warmly at me. “Thank you for bringing me.”

We stared in each other's eyes a few seconds before Ford bridged the distance between us, crushing my lips with his.

He parted my lips with his tongue and climbed on top of me, pressing his erection against my sex.

I moaned in his mouth from the pressure pushing against my clit. We stripped our clothes until we were skin to skin with nothing between us.

“God, you're so fucking beautiful,” Ford murmured against my lips before nipping them. His cock pressed against my soaked pussy, dripping with want for him. “You're mine. You hear me, kitten? Mine.”

And then he slammed himself inside me, making us both groan with pleasure. “Yes,” I whimpered in agreement. “I'm yours.”