Page 52 of Bratva Baby

My pulse spikes, and I ask, “You’re sure? Are you absolutely certain?”

“Why do you keep doubting that your father is responsible for half the trouble in this city?”

I take a step closer. “I’m not naive, Grigor. I know what kind of man my father is. Still, heismy father. I can’t just watch you kill him.”

He exhales, rubbing his temple. “I can’t promise I won’t. You know that.”

“Why areyouso certain murder is the only way?”

“He tried to murder me first,” Grigor snaps. “He orchestrated Pavel’s death, conspired with the Irish, and unleashed sabotage on my territory. At what point does he no longer deserve your pity?”

My voice cracks. “I’m not saying pity him. I’m saying… spare him. If there’s another way, anything that doesn’t involve you putting a bullet in his head, let’s try it. He’s family.”

His face flushes bright red, and I take an instinctive step back. “You ask me to ignore all he’s done. He’s caused real damage, cost me a loyal man, nearly destroyed the trust among my brothers. That doesn’t end with a handshake.”

“Look, I get it, okay? But I’m caught between you two. He’s threatened Cecily, manipulated me, but he’s still my father, Grigor. If you kill him, do you understand how that would break me?”

He grips the arms of the chair. “Did it break you when he tried to kill me? Did he care how that might affect you?”

I’m trembling. The urge to protect my father clashes with my loyalty to Grigor, and it’s nearly enough to bring me to my knees. “He’s misguided, cruel, but… he’s family.”

He stands abruptly before stalking around the desk. I step back some more, but he catches my arm. “Stop living in denial. Your father is an enemy. He’s forced your hand, threatened yoursister, almost cost me my life. What if next time he aims at you? Will you still plead for mercy on his behalf?”

Tears blur my vision. “I can’t just let you do this.”

He leans in, dropping his dropping. “You don’t get a vote, Seraphina. I’ll do what I have to do to keep my territory in one piece. End of discussion.”

Frustration boils over, and I smack at his chest, trying to wrench myself free. “You’re so quick to resort to bloodshed. Don’t you realize everything will spiral out of control if you kill my father? The Irish will escalate, Cecily might be in more danger, and our—” I cut myself off, chest heaving.

“Our what?” he demands, ignoring the wetness on my cheeks.

“I’m pregnant, Grigor.” The words are out before I can pull them back. “And if you kill my father, our child will never meet its grandfather. Is that what you want?”

His grip on my arm slackens, and his eyes go wide with shock. My heart feels like it’s about to explode. I watch a whole host of emotions cross his face as he tries to process what I said, and a hush engulfs the room.

This isn’t how I intended to tell him, but it’s too late to take it back now.

Chapter 22 - Grigor

“You’re pregnant?” The world around me spins, and I have to brace myself on the edge of the desk to keep from collapsing.

Seraphina bites her lip and swipes at her tear-stained cheeks. Her chest heaves, and she can hardly look at me. For a split second, I wonder if I misheard, if my mind is playing tricks. But she nods, and I realize she’s dead serious.

She folds her arms protectively over her abdomen. “I just found out a few days ago. I know the timing couldn’t be worse, and it probably sounds like…” She trails off, but I catch her drift. It sounds like a manipulation. But even after everything, I can’t imagine her using a child as a ploy.

My stomach turns. A child.Mychild.

Part of me wants to rage and demand how she could let this happen when our world is a constant threat. Another part, maybe the stronger part, can’t ignore the rush of protectiveness flooding my veins. I push a hand through my hair, trying to steady my thoughts.

“I assumed you were on something,” I tell her, my tone oddly subdued. “I never imagined this could happen so soon, not when we—”

“I was,” she interrupts. “I must’ve missed a dose or something. Things have been a little hectic, you know.”

I inhale, struggling for composure. My resolve to tear her father apart weakens with every passing second, replaced by the realization that I’m going to be a father. I think back to how I confronted her father, how I threatened to spill his blood for betraying me. Now, the idea of plunging our unborn child intothat horror rips at my conscience. “And you found out a few days ago?”

She nods, and her gaze drifts to the floor. “I didn’t know how to tell you. You’re already angry at me for helping him, for lying. I was afraid you’d think I did this on purpose.”

“That’s not… No, I don’t think that.” I swallow, and words tangle on my tongue. “But you’ve got to realize how big this is. It changes a lot of things.”