Page 7 of Bratva Baby

I slam my fist on the table. “Cut the act. You’re either guilty or being set up.”

He stops just short of the table, eyeing the empty chair across from me. “Mind if I sit?”

I motion toward it. “Make it quick. We’re not in a forgiving mood.”

He settles, crossing one leg over the other. His men remain by the door. He arches a brow at the darkened patch on the floor where Fyodor’s blood is still smeared. “Busy night?”

“You have no idea. Tell us how you plan to explain your name being tied to Pavel’s murder.”

Thorne exhales like he’s indulging a group of small children. “I can’t fathom why I’d kill him. It gains me nothing but the risk of angering the Barkovs. You’re not exactly a bunch I want as enemies.”

“Then how do you explain your crest at the scene?” Dmitri demands.

Thorne spreads his hands. “I can’t. Perhaps I was framed. Perhaps one of my men went rogue. You know how big organizations are—someone might want to set me up for reasons unknown.”

Maksim grimaces. “We’re not fools. If you’re lying, we’ll find out.”

Thorne’s gaze sweeps across the table. “I’d expect nothing less.” Then his eyes land on me. “But I didn’t come here just to offer half-baked denials. I’m fully aware your trust is broken. So, I’ve brought you an option. One that might mend the rift.”

My teeth grind. “Speak.”

He gives a small nod, as though we’re in a friendly negotiation. “Since we parted ways, I’ve always thought that we should solidify our alliance again—under the right circumstances, of course. But recent events have made that more pressing. I want to assure the Barkovs that I’m not the threat you think.”

Leonid snorts. “You think we’d welcome you with open arms just because you say so?”

Thorne smirks. “Hardly. That’s why I’m offering something substantial.”

“Get to the point,” I snap.

He sits up straighter, spreading his coat so we can see he’s not reaching for a weapon. “A marriage alliance.”

A sudden silence grips the room, as if everyone stopped breathing at once. Across the table, Leonid’s lips part, but no sound comes out. Sergei’s jaw drops. Even Dmitri’s expression betrays his shock.

I blink, making sure I heard correctly. “A marriage alliance? Are you out of your mind?”

He lifts one shoulder in a casual shrug. “Sometimes the old ways hold power. If I bind my family to yours through marriage, you’ll have a reason to trust my intentions. I’ll be placing one of my own blood under your care, effectively ensuring I can’t afford to cross you.”

This is beyond anything I expected him to say. Arranged marriages in our world aren’t unheard of, but they’re usually between families that already trust each other or want to merge resources. With Thorne, we barely have a civil relationship.

Maksim recovers first. “Why would we agree to that? You show up late running your smart mouth, and then drop this nonsense?”

“Because it’s the best way to quell the suspicion that I orchestrated Pavel’s murder. If I intended to spark a war, I wouldn’t sacrifice one of my daughters to the Barkov Bratva. No father would risk that. This offer is proof of my sincerity.”

A stunned wave ripples through the men.His daughter? The man is offering his offspring like she’s a bargaining chip. I knew Thorne was heartless, but this takes it to a new level.

I stand, pushing my chair back as I do. “You think a marriage is going to erase the fact Pavel was killed? You’re out of line.”

“I lost contact with the Barkovs once. I’d rather not see that fracture grow. The city’s got bigger problems, which demand that we move as one if we’re to remain strong. Let’s be honest: I might be your prime suspect, but what if I’m telling the truth? This could be an opportunity to reunite our families. To stand against whoever really wants to see us destroy each other.”

Leonid rumbles under his breath, “We don’t make alliances lightly.”

Thorne nods. “Nor do I. And I don’t expect a decision this minute. But if you’re serious about finding the truth, you’ll consider my proposal.”

Maksim looks at me, tension evident in his posture. Dmitri’s stare flicks between Thorne and me, waiting to see how I’ll respond. Marriage alliances in the underworld are potent. They tie families together in a binding way that’s difficult to sever.

I grit my teeth and lean forward, pointing at Thorne. “You come in here, late, with Pavel’s blood on your reputation, and your best solution is to offer a daughter to the Bratva? Seems to me you’re either desperate or you’re scheming.”

His calm smirk remains. “Call it what you like. Desperate times, desperate measures. If it wins me the chance to prove I’m not your enemy, then I’ll do it.”