Page 31 of Bratva Baby

“You’re a monster.”

He smiles thinly. “I do what’s necessary.”

For a moment, words fail me. All I can think about is Cecily’s trusting face. The last thing I want is for her to become a pawn in this twisted game. I force myself to breathe, to keep my voice steady. “I’m doing my best, but Grigor is cautious. It’s going to take time.”

His expression darkens, and he closes the distance between us in three measured steps. “You don’t have time,” he growls, jabbing a finger at my chest. “You think I don’t hear rumors? Word is Grigor’s sniffing around for who killed that ally of his, the one whose murder triggered this entire fiasco. If he sniffs out that you’re my little spy, guess who’ll pay the price.”

A cold shiver courses through me. “I’ll handle it.”

He scoffs before glancing at his watch. “Handle it faster.”

“I can’t force him to trust me overnight,” I argue. “If you want something substantial, let me work without these impossible deadlines.”

His mouth twists. “Impossible, you say? Then maybe I should remind you of what’s truly impossible—protecting your precious sister once I make it clear she’s for sale.”

My heart plummets. “Don’t. Please.”

He smirks. “Then give me something. Or is Grigor more important than Cecily now? Are you that taken with him that you’d jeopardize your own flesh and blood?”

“That’s not it!” I explode. “I’d die for Cecily. But I can’t deliver secrets I don’t have. And he doesn’t sit around monologuing about Bratva plans. He isn’t as arrogant as you—”

Before I finish, he lifts a hand and strikes me across the cheek, and the crack of flesh on flesh reverberates in my head. I reel backward with one hand flying to my stinging face. My eyes burn, but I refuse to cry. I refuse to let him see that weakness.

“Don’t raise your voice at me,” he warns, rage dripping from each word. “You’re nothing but a means to an end, a bargaining chip I played to get close to the Barkovs. If you think that husband of yours loves you, you’re a fool.”

My throat tightens as I recall every moment of softness Grigor has shown me—few as they are—and wonder if it’s all in my head. “I never said he loves me,” I whisper, hating how small my voice sounds.

My father leans in, and his hot breath throbs on my cheek. “He’ll turn on you the instant he learns you’re feeding me intel. Men like him don’t forgive betrayal. They wipe it out.”

Fear rises like bile, and I can’t help picturing Grigor’s face the other night when he held a gun to my head. Would he shoot me if he found out? My father sees the flicker of dread in my eyes and bares his teeth in a nasty smile.

“Let me paint a picture for you: the day he discovers you’re my dirty, little spy, he’ll wrap those big hands around your throat and squeeze until there’s no life left in you. Or maybe he’ll put a bullet between your eyes. Doesn’t matter which. He’ll never forgive you.”

I force myself to stand straighter. “You’re delusional if you think I care that much.”

“Am I?” he counters. “You’re trembling at the thought of him finding out. That’s enough proof. Now get out of my sight. Bring me something real next time, or I’ll make sure Cecily pays in your place.”

My stomach feels hollow. I want to lash out, scream at him, but the memory of his hand striking my face holds me back. The possibility that he might hurt Cecily, or that he might blow my cover, forces me to nod. I turn on my heel and walk away, refusing to glance back. My father’s men step aside as I pass through the door wearing pitying looks when they get a look at my face, which I’m sure is crimson. I ignore them all and hurry down the corridor.

Cecily emerges from somewhere down the hall, eyes wide as she takes in my expression. “Sera? What happened?”

I lift a trembling hand and press it to my cheek. “Nothing.” The lie is obvious. My cheeks burn with humiliation. “He’s in a foul mood, that’s all.”

Her gaze flicks behind me, then she reaches for my arm. “Let me see—did he—”

“I’m fine,” I insist. My voice shakes, but I shrug her off. “Cecily, please, I just… I need to go. I can’t stay here.”

She glances toward the drawing room with tears gathering in her eyes. “Why won’t he just leave us alone?”

Because he’s a cruel man with endless schemes, I think, but I don’t say it. Instead, I shake my head and step past her. “Take care of yourself. I’ll see you soon.”

Cecily nods, but her bottom lip trembles. “I’ll walk you out.”

We reach the foyer, where Anton and Val wait. Their shoulders tense when they see my swollen cheek, but they say nothing, just step to flank me. My father’s men watch warily as if expecting a brawl. I keep my eyes down as shame crawls under my skin. This is the man I was raised by, the one who forced me to marry for his own benefit. And here I am, battered inside and out, still trying to appease him in hopes of protecting Cecily.

Chapter 14 - Grigor

I’m not a man prone to shock, but the moment Anton calls and tells me Seraphina’s father struck her, everything in me snaps. I can’t stay still. I don’t bother telling anyone where I’m going; I just grab my coat, bark at my driver to warm up the car, and slam the door on my way out.