Page 9 of Dreaming of Us

Colton lifted my chin gently, his thumb running over my jawline as he studied me carefully. “I’m okay, I promise. I’m just worried about what people will think about seeing me here with you instead of…” I couldn’t bring myself to say her name. Instead, I glanced to the side, too embarrassed to let him see my insecurities.

“Hey,” he said gently, putting just enough pressure on my jaw to have me bring my gaze back to his. “Katy and I have been over for a long time. Okay? I’m here with you now. People have to accept that, and if they don’t, fuck them.”

His words were said gently with a grin meant to reassure me. It helped, but there was nothing I could do about my trepidation but time. I forced out another smile and nodded again. “Okay, Colton.”

“That’s my girl,” he whispered and ran his thumb over my bottom lip. His eyes focused there for a long second as the heat I had seen earlier when I’d answered the door flared back to life. With a low groan I could barely hear, Colton dropped his hand. We both turned to the hostess and finished walking the remaining distance to the door.

It took me a minute before I recognized her as someone who’d been a couple of years ahead of me in school, but I didn’t think she had been in the same grade as Colton had been.

“Good evening, and welcome to Harry’s Steakhouse. Will it just be the two of you tonight?” I watched as her eyes swept over the two of us before lingering on Colton. As her eyes moved onto our hands clasped together, her smile faltered just the tiniest bit.

“Yes. I called in reservations this morning for Hammond.” Colton pulled me closer to his side before slipping his hand from mine and placing his arm around my shoulder. I had never been held like that before by anyone, and it sent a thrill up my spine. I had read about the move in romance novels and wondered what it would feel like to be held that way. Now that I knew how safe and warm it was, I hoped that he would hold me that way forever.

“Of course! Right this way, please.” We followed behind the hostess, whose name I still couldn’t place. Our town was small, and the high school was even smaller, but I had mainly kept to myself most of the time, so I hadn’t gotten to know many people.

We were led to a table next to the large window overlooking the little lake that our town was proud of. Not too far away was the big open field where every event was held, from the Fourth of July celebration to the annual carnival, where home baked goods were judged along with the biggest and best crops of the year.

There had been fierce competition between neighbors for as long as I could remember, and the next one was coming up in just a few weeks. There was already gossip being shared around town over who would win the apple pie contest this year between Mrs. Grady and Mrs. O’Toole. Every other customer I helped at the bank had an opinion on who it would be. So far, the consensus was Mrs. Grady. The woman herself had whispered tome just last week that she had been experimenting with a new ingredient that she was sure would win her the trophy.

“Thank you,” Colton said to the hostess as she placed our menus down on the table, then he guided me into the chair he held out for me before taking his own seat.

I picked up the menu and perused the offerings. It had been a couple of years since I had dined here with my parents. It was the type of place that families went to celebrate special occasions, and I believe that time it had been Mom’s birthday.

“Good evening. My name is Kristy, and I’ll be your server tonight. Oh my goodness! Colton Hammond! How are you doing? I haven’t seen you since you moved back to town. How is Katy doing?”

I did my best to hold in my cringe at the words as I peeked over the top of the menu to see a pretty blond I remembered seeing in high school. If I remember correctly, she had been on the cheer team with Katy.

I glanced over at Colton to see his face go carefully blank. “Hello, Kristy. I’m doing well, thank you. My girl and I would like some water to start with. What do you want to drink, sweetheart?”

I stared at Colton as my mind tried to catch up after hearing him call me his girl out in public. It was stupid since he had been holding my hand, and we were obviously on a date, but those words seemed to make it so… official. “Umm,” I glanced down at the menu, my eyes darting all over the printed words but not seeing the drink menu anywhere. “Ice tea?” I asked, naming the first beverage that came to mind. Colton smiled warmly at me before turning his head back to look at Kristy. She was staring between the two of us as if she couldn’t comprehend what she was seeing in front of her.

“Make that two ice teas, please. I think we need just another minute to decide what we want to eat.” His expression waspolite but didn’t invite any more conversation. I had the distinct feeling he was hoping she wouldn’t ask anything else about his ex-girlfriend.

“Okay,” Kristy murmured, still glancing between the two of us. “I’ll be right back.”

I watched as she walked away. As soon as she reached another server who only looked vaguely familiar to me. I saw her bend her head close and say something. When both of their heads began to turn in our direction, I quickly looked back down at the menu. I could feel my cheeks grow warm as I imagined what kind of hushed conversation they were having about us.

Colton closed his menu and laid it down at the edge of the table. “What are you having, sweetheart?”

I glanced up at him and then quickly back down at the menu, my eyes trying to focus on the words instead of my embarrassment. “I, uh, I think the pasta sounds good.” I remembered having that same dish the last time I had been here and liking it. I closed my menu and placed it on top of his. Before I could pull my hand back, his larger one grasped it, holding on with gentle pressure.

We held each other’s gazes without saying a word, and I slowly began to relax. The stiffness in my muscles gave way, and I let my body settle into a more comfortable position. As Colton watched me relax, his smile grew warmer. I hadn’t realized until that moment that my nervousness had been affecting him just as much as it had been me.

“Thank you for bringing me out with you tonight,” I whispered.

“I wouldn’t want to be with anyone else in the world,” he said just as quietly, and I believed every word.

Chapter Nine


Our meal had been lovely once I got past my nerves and just began to enjoy his company. As first dates went, it was everything a girl could dream of. After the first awkward interaction with Kristy, the rest of our meal was pleasant. We enjoyed each other’s company, and our conversations flowed just as effortlessly as they had when we talked on the phone the past couple of nights.

Right before we got up to leave, Colton had given me a look that took my breath away and had my thighs squeezing together under the table. Truthfully, ever since I had opened the door and seen him dressed in his black button-down, with that heated look in his eyes, I had been fighting back the need to beg him to kiss me.

“Are you ready to get out of here?”

Colton’s words, paired with the sexy, low tone he’d used, sent a shiver of anticipation down my spine. I didn’t have to think twice about my answer. “Absolutely.” I wasn’t sure where the night was going to lead. He might just drop me off at my door with another peck on my forehead. But I secretly hoped for so, somuch more. I didn’t care if anyone would think I was desperate, or if I was breaking some mandated three-date rule. I wanted Colton, and we had been dancing around our attraction for days.