"Fuck him up, Mo," Toya added.
Monique slowly stood up. "Oh, I'm going to fuck him up. Cas, get me a ticket to that event. I'm going also. Orazio Cattaneo needs to be taught a lesson. And he chose theright one to teach him. Come on, Meka and Toya. I need to find a revenge outfit."
"Are we still kidnapping him?" Toya asked.
"Yes. That and so much more," Monique hissed.
Oh, she still planned to kidnap his sorry ass. But she was going to make him suffer before doing so. This would be the last time Orazio played a deadly game like this. Monique would make sure of it. It took a savage to tame a savage.
And she planned to show Orazio Cattaneo that she could be just as savage as he was.
Chapter Twenty-Five
It was late when he finally decided to leave work. Rain pelted the tinted windows of Orazio's sleek black vehicle as he drove away from the casino alone. His guard had protested his decision to drive himself, but Raz needed solitude to process his thoughts. It had been a long fucking day, and the night was going to be even longer.
The darkness and bad weather outside matched his mood. This was the perfect night for a drive. It was the perfect time to clear his mind before he had to meet up with his family. Radio off, Orazio drove in silence. About twenty minutes into the drive, he remembered that his home was at the fucking casino. So, where the fuck was he going right now?
Blinking, Orazio stared out the window at his surroundings, unable to believe he'd truly been driving in a daze, moving off instinct alone. No wonder his guard had asked him if he had something on his schedule before the Tatum meeting. He'd probably been wondering where the hell Orazio was going.
"Fuck," Raz muttered under his breath when he realized he was a block away from Monique's home.So, that's where I was going!"What the fuck is wrong with me?" he yelled, slamming his fist against the steering wheel.
He should turn around and head back to the casino. That would be the smart thing to do. Of course, his brain, or maybe it was his heart, one of those bastards found a reason for him to continue forward.
Both his brain and heart were telling him that since he was this close, he might as well drive past her house. You know, just to check to make sure she was okay. She'd never know he'd been there. Even if she saw his car, with its tinted windows, she wouldn't know he was in it.
With a nod, Orazio made up his mind to just ride past her house to make sure no one was lurking around it. As he slowed down outside her home, he spotted Toya's car parked in the driveway. She wasn't alone.Good.
Whether she believed it or not, she was better off than him. She had her friends around her. They were there to keep her company in his absence. They were there to curse him out with her and let her know she wasn't alone.
As for him, he had to go home to an empty suite. And his brothers and friends weren't cursing Monique out with him. Instead, they kept telling him to get back with her. They kept telling him how much better off he was with her by his side.
Yeah, she definitely had better friends than him. He crept past her house, inching by like a snail, waiting for something to happen, waiting for anything to happen. Couldn't she sense his presence?
"Come on, Rosa," he muttered, hoping she'd appear at the door.
But she didn't. With a bitter curse, Orazio slammed his foot on the accelerator, tires screeching as he sped away.
"What the hell was I thinking?" he mumbled, angry with himself for even going in that direction. "That was some weak shit," Raz muttered. "Damn it. I need to get it together."
The rain continued to fall as he pulled into his reserved parking space at the casino. He barely acknowledged the guards stationed outside as he headed inside, feeling foolish and miserable.
Once in his suite, he tossed his keys onto the table, slipped off his shoes, and then stripped off his clothes as he headed straight for the shower, craving the warmth it would provide.
As the hot water cascaded over him, Orazio's thoughts drifted back to Monique. Sure, he tried to distract himself by thinking of other things, but that never worked. At least when he was alone like this, he could take a few seconds to acknowledge that he was missing her like crazy.
He wanted to talk to her, to tell her how his day went, and to discuss the burden of his new responsibilities. He yearned to tell her how much he missed her. He wanted to tell her how hard he'd been having it since their breakup.
He wanted to ask her how someone he’d known for such a short amount of time had completely thrown his world off its axis. He also wanted to know whether her world was just as shaken up as his was.
He wanted to know how she was doing. He wanted to apologize for breaking her heart. Orazio sighed. He could fill a book with all the things he wanted to say to his Rosa. Perhaps he should start writing them down just so he could get them out of his head.
He released another sigh as his mind conjured up her face and form. Damn, he missed everything about that woman. Against his will, his mind strayed to naughtier things. He groaned as his cock jerked.
Raz stared down. "What the fuck is wrong with you? You can't have her. Deal with it."