"Until she gets road rage," Toya joked.

"That only happened like three times," Meka defended her driving.

"Let's keep you from behind the wheel, love," Cas told her. "You can work with me. Raz has a full schedule. Tonight, he's needed at a family event. Actually, I have to be there in a few hours too. And in two days, he has to be present at a Gala where he'll officially be announced as the head of the Cattaneo organization before all our business partners and constituents. We can't kidnap him before the Gala, or that would make the family look bad and make our enemies believe we're weak and unorganized. We'll kidnap him as he's leaving the Gala. Meka, you'll attend the Gala as my date."

"Yay!" Meka squealed. "I've got to go shopping."

"I'll take you shopping tomorrow, love," Cas told Meka, smiling. "Toya, Leo will also be at the Gala. And he'll stick close to Orazio. I can get you a ticket so you can stick close to Leo and distract him while Rome slips something into Raz's drink. I'll have Rome escort Raz to a private room to rest when Raz starts to feel dizzy. And that's when you come in, Monique."

"What do you need me to do?" Monique asked, ready to know her task.

"I need you to...." Cas paused when his phone chimed. "One moment," Cas told them as he reached into his jacket pocket.

He pulled out his phone and unlocked it. They all watched as he read a text message. Was it Orazio texting him? The mere thought of it being Orazio brought tears to her eyes. She quickly blinked them back. She had to learn to control her emotions better. Crying never solved anything.

"Well, this changes things a bit," Cas stated, frowning at the phone.

Monique, Meka, and Toya all asked Cas a question at the same time.

"Is something wrong with Raz?" Monique asked.

"Do you need to leave to handle family business?" Meka asked at the same time.

"Are they ordering you to kill someone? If so, can I tag along?" Toya asked, her voice blending with theirs, but her question caused them all to glare at her. "What?" Toya asked.

"Nothing is wrong with Raz, per se," Cas stated. "And no, I don't have to leave just yet. Oh, and no, they're not ordering me to kill anyone. But, well, Raz is doing something I never expected him to do."

"What?" The three ladies asked in unison.

Cas sighed. "Leo just messaged me to let me know that Raz plans to bring a date to the Gala."

"What?" Toya and Meka exclaimed before turning their gaze to Monique.

Monique sat there silently, staring at the far wall as she tried to process what she'd just heard. Raz was bringing a date to the Gala. To the place where all his business partners and family members would be.

Orazio was planning to go there hand in hand with another woman. Monique swallowed, trying to rein in her emotions. Then, all of a sudden, she burst out laughing like a complete maniac.

Raz was bringing a date to the Gala. How fucking hilarious! He didn't want to see her, but his crazy ass had the nerve to see another woman. Who the hell did he think he was? Who the hell did he thinkshewas? Monique laughed harder. Both Toya and Meka stared at her with worried expressions.

Cas leaned closer to Meka to whisper, "She's taking this better than I expected."

Meka shook her head. "Don't let that laugh fool you. That's not the laugh of a happy woman. That's the laughter of a woman who is ready to kill someone."

"Damn right, I am!" Monique yelled, laughter gone just as quickly as it started.

"She looks scary now," Cas whispered.

"Be afraid," Meka whispered. "Be very afraid."

"I'm going to kill him," Monique whispered, voice so low and creepy the others could barely hear her.

"What did you say?" Cas asked.

Monique turned her glare Cas's way. "I said, I'm going to kill him. I'm going to kill your brother."

"Wait," Cas started, then went silent when Toya and Meka glared at him. Cas swallowed. "You're right. You should kill him," Cas quickly changed his tune. "He deserves death for what he's done and for what he's planning to do. Right?" Cas said to Meka.

"Hell yes," Meka agreed.