"Do you?" Toya asked.

A tear rolled down Meka's cheek. Meka licked her lips before whispering, "I do." More tears spilled from Meka's eyes. "I do love him. So much."

Monique smiled, happy that her friend could finally admit her true feelings. "I have one more question," Monique said. "Are you truly willing to give up on him?"

More tears crept down her bestie's cheeks. Meka was slow to answer. Monique hoped her bestie didn't let fear ruin what could be a good thing for Meka and Cas. But Monique understood Meka's fears.

Those same concerns drifted through her mind a few times a day. She knew that Raz was experiencing those same fears right now. The only difference was Monique refused to give up on true love.

She wasn't going to let Orazio give up. And she wasn't going to let her bestie give up, either. They all deserved a happy ending. And she truly believed this type of love was worth fighting for. If she had to, she’d fight for all of them to have their happily ever after!

Chapter Twenty-Two



Meka had already admitted that she loved Cas. Monique was just waiting for her friend to answer her last question. Was Meka truly willing to give up on Cas after all they'd been through? Meka was hesitant to answer. Fear shone in her brown eyes.

Monique placed her hand on her friend's knee. "I know you're nervous. I know all of this is scary. And in the end, you're a grown-ass woman, and the decision is up to you. As your friend, I only want the best for you. I want you to be happy. I want you to be safe. I want you to love and be loved. And I'm about to end this conversation because I don't want to stress you out. But the last thing I want to do is remind you that Cas fought for you, Meka. He fought to find you and save you. He did that because he loves you. Now, it's your turn to fight for him. You said he hates this lifestyle but can't let it go. Right?"

Eyes closed, Meka nodded.

"Then help him. Help him let go of that life. Help him break free. Fight for him, Meka. And if you lose, if he refuses to leave that life behind, then at least you can say you gave it your all. At least you can say you fought for your love, but your love didn't fight back. At least you won't have any regrets. I plan to fight forRaz. If I fail, I'll at least know I tried. Real love is worth fighting for. Is Cas's love worth fighting for?"

Meka slowly opened her eyes. "Yes," she whispered. "Caspari Cattaneo is worth fighting for. He's good, Monique. His heart is pure. But that life is going to destroy him."

Monique blinked back tears. "Then fight for him. And just know that we've got your back. We'll help you and Cas fight."

Toya sniffled. "Hell, we can kidnap him too if you want us to. We may have to kidnap Leo too, you know, just because."

Just because? Yeah, right. Monique had peeped the chemistry between Leo and Toya.

"Just say you like the guy," Monique told her.

"Lies," Toya drawled. "He is not my type."

The smile on Toya's face said otherwise.

"Stop looking at me like that," Toya insisted. "If you can kidnap Raz, and Meka can kidnap Cas, then I can kidnap Leo. Shit."

Meka and Monique burst out laughing.

"Are you all really going to kidnap Raz?" Meka asked, wiping her cheeks.

Monique and Toya nodded.

"I have to," Monique told her. "He's hiding behind fear, and I'm tired of playing hide and seek. I need to show him once and for all that I can handle whatever his lifestyle throws at us. However, I can't do that if he's hiding from me. I have to kidnap him. I know you think I'm crazy. But I really don't know what else to do."

Meka sighed. "Alright. I guess I need to call Caspari Cattaneo to see if he'll help us."

"Us?" Monique said. "You're going to join us?"

Meka nodded. "I mean, I can't have you two wearing orange jumpsuits without me."

Toya frowned. "Why would we wear orange jumpsuits?"

"Because our crazy asses are more than likely going to get locked up for this," Meka pointed out.