A smile spread across Toya's face. "Friend, are you really thinking of kidnapping Orazio Cattaneo, the crime boss and the new don of the Cattaneo Crime family?"

With a huge grin on her face, Monique nodded again, feeling excited. "Yes, friend. I plan to kidnap Orazio Cattaneo, the new don of the Cattaneo Crime family. And once I have him, I'm never letting him go. I'm going to show his crazy ass just how crazy I can be. You down with helping me?"

"Hell yeah, I'm down. I need to cancel my order of fake chickens since we're not going the decapitation route. I no longer have to practice on them. But this plan is better. Less messy. Less jail time, too."

Monique laughed. "You should probably put the car in drive, or we'll end up getting arrested before we actually commit a crime."

"Oh, right. And I think I hear sirens." Toya put the car in drive.

And they were off. Monique stared out the passenger window, a plan formulating in her mind. To capture a boss, you had to think like a boss.

I'm done stressing over my crazy ass crime-boss boyfriend. Get ready Orazio Cattaneo. Because I'm coming to claim my man, and this time, I'm never letting you go.

Chapter Twenty



Orazio's knuckles whitened as he gripped the armrests of his chair, staring at the blank wall of his office. From the corner of his eye, he saw Leo watching the security screen. Orazio couldn't bring himself to look.

If he looked at the screen, he'd seeher. If he saw her right now, he'd fold like a house of cards. And if he folded, Monique's life would be in constant danger. It had taken a lot of money and dead bodies to get her off the radar of his enemies.

He couldn't be the reason she was in danger again. That meant keeping his distance. That meant not being swayed by her presence, which was proving hard to do. He couldn't even bring himself to hear her voice.

That was why the volume on the security camera was muted. The last time she'd come to the front of the casino, the guards had been forced to pick her up and move her aside. Those guards had nearly lost their hands.

"Has she left yet?" Raz asked Leo, the impatience in his voice barely restrained as he tried not to think about the guards who'd touched her last time, an act that had almost cost them not only their hands but their lives, too.

He'd ordered them to keep her away, not to put their fucking hands on his woman. No one was allowed to touch her, not even him.

"Toya looks nice in those jeans," Leo mumbled, his eyes glued to the screen.

"I'm not asking about Toya. Has Monique left yet?" Raz shouted, his patience snapping.

Eyes still on the screen, Leo nodded. "They're walking away now."

"Hand me the device," Raz insisted, stretching his hand out, needing to get one small glimpse of her.

Leo hesitated for a moment before handing it over. Clutching the device tightly, Raz stared at Monique's retreating form on the screen. Each step she took felt like a knife twisting in his gut. He inhaled deeply and released the breath slowly, trying to calm himself and ease the pain.

He swallowed, refusing to give in to his emotions. Refusing to chase after her and beg for her forgiveness. Why did she have to look so good in everything she wore? Her clothing clung to her curves like a second skin, taunting him even as she disappeared from view.

Why did she have to be shaped that way? Why couldn't her sexy ass wear loose-fitting clothing?Damn, I miss her,he thought, gritting his teeth. Raz couldn't let his resolve crumble, no matter how much he missed her.

For her safety, for her future, he had to stay strong. But the pain of losing her was a living, breathing entity inside him. It fed on his anguish, constantly gnawing at his insides, threatening to consume him whole.

But he'd bear that pain for the rest of his life... for her.Focus on what's at stake,he thought to himself as the urge to go after her increased.This is for her own good.Raz took another deep breath and exhaled slowly, resolve strengthening.

"You saw her face when she was here, didn't you?" Raz asked Leo.

"If I say yes, are you going to gouge my eyes out?"

"Just answer the fucking question," Raz growled, unable to keep the edge from his voice.

"Answering your questions comes with risks," Leo replied. "You almost cut a guard's hands off last time Monique came here looking for you. I'm not taking any chances. I need my eyes. How can I protect you if I can't see you?"

"Did you see her face when she was here or not?" Raz demanded, his impatience turning into annoyance.