“Maybe. But it seems like I’m not the only one who can’t keep a partner,” she shot back.

“Fuck you. Stay in this room and stay quiet. And you better hope Orazio Cattaneo answers your call soon, or things will get ugly around here.”

It seemed she’d struck a nerve. With a final glare, Trevor turned and stormed out of the room, leaving Monique alone once more with her thoughts. She wrapped her arms around herself and stared at the ceiling.

Though she hated Trevor, she really needed to stop making him upset. He was capable of dark things. Hell, according to Orazio, he’d wanted to have her killed to pay off his debts. There was no telling what he’d do to her if she pushed him too far. Monique sighed, thoughts straying to Orazio.

“I won’t give up on you, Orazio,” she whispered. “Please don’t make me regret not giving up on you.”





Orazio’s eyelids fluttered open, the harsh fluorescent lights above him burning his retinas. The white walls seemed to close in on him as his vision blurred and swam, a wave of nausea washing over him. He blinked several times, trying to clear the fog clouding his mind.

“Where...am I?” he croaked, his throat parched and raw.

“Easy, Orazio. You’re in the hospital,” a familiar voice uttered from the corner of the room. His father, Don Cattaneo, stepped into view, concern creasing his brow.

“What happened?” Raz managed to ask, struggling to sit up, but the dull ache in his ribs stopped him. “Fuck! That hurt.”

“Take it slow, son,” his father warned, placing a hand on his shoulder to keep him from moving too much. “You and Cas were in a car accident two days ago.”

“Car accident? Two days ago?” Orazio repeated, his mind racing as snippets of memory returned.The kidnapping of Jacob Tatum, the screeching tires, the smell of burnt rubber... It all came flooding back. “Cas... where’s Cas?”

“Your brother is in another room. He took quite a hit, but he’ll be alright,” Don Cattaneo reassured him.

“If he took quite a hit, why are you in here with me instead of with him?” Raz asked.

“Your brother is fine, Raz,” his dad said, not answering his question.

“What about Jacob Tatum?” Orazio asked.

“Focus on getting better.Everythingelse can wait.”

“Where is Jacob?” Jacob was the key to getting the Tatum’s in line. They couldn’t lose him.

“Jacob... Well, Jacob didn’t make it,” his father informed him. “He died in the crash.”

“Fuck.” That changed everything. “How badly was Cas hurt?” His words came out slurred, possibly because of the meds flowing from the I.V. to his veins. “Cas...” Raz slurred again when his father said nothing. “How badly is he hurt?”

“Your brother is in a medically induced coma,” his father replied. “The doctors performed the surgery on him yesterday. They expect him to wake up soon.”


“They said it could take hours or days. It all depends on Cas’s body and how fast it heals.”

Days? What the fuck? Orazio’s heart clenched as fear washed over him. His brother had to be okay. Forget just lying around. He had to go to Cas. With a grunt, he attempted to sit up, determined to see his brother for himself.

“Easy!” his father warned, gently pressing Orazio’s shoulder to keep him in place. “You’re still hurt. Don’t make it worse.”

“I need to... I need to see him,” Orazio insisted, struggling against his father’s firm grip. But the effort left him breathless, sweat beading his forehead as pain sliced through his body.

“Patience, son,” Don Cattaneo chided. “Cas needs time, just as you do. Just focus on getting better. We’ll handle everything else. Trust me.”