"Be still," he ordered as he handcuffed her to the little handle above the passenger side door.
"Did you kill them?" she cried. "If you killed them, I'm going to..."
"Do nothing. You're not going to do anything. Your dad was right about one thing. Maybe I should make another deal with the Cattaneos. It's worth a shot. Raz may be coming for you, but I'm taking you to his father. I'm sure he'll still pay me something for your life. Especially since he can still use you to keep his son in line. He's been searching for a way to keep that fucker in line. All he does is complain about how the family is starting to look to Orazio for guidance more than they look to him. This will give him some leverage to keep Raz in check since the bastard seems to like my trash." He pulled out his phone. "I can't remember where the guard told me to take you in case of an emergency. Ahh, here it is."
"You're an evil motherfucker," Monique whispered.
"I've been called worse," he told her as the GPS on his phone told him where to go.
"I want my friends, Trevor. I want them now."
Trevor chuckled. "Your friends are busy."
"What? What do you mean they're busy? Busy doing what?"
Her ex faced her, his gaze meeting hers. "They're busy dying," he told her with an evil grin on his face.
His eyes moved to the building. Monique looked that way also and saw smoke rising from the abandoned building. Her mouth dropped open. The bastard had set the building on fire with her friends inside.
Because of her, her friends were going to die. They were going to burn to death, be burned alive because of her ex. And there was nothing she could do to save them. Monique jerked against her restraints, trying to break free as Trevor's laughter filled the car.
I need you, Raz. I need you right now.
Or was it already too late for them?
Chapter Seven
Horrified, Monique stared at the building Trevor just dragged her out of. She flinched when a window shattered, sending glass flying and allowing smoke to billow out. Her friends were going to die if she didn't do something.
Monique glanced over at Trevor. He was backing out of the parking space, preparing to take her to an unknown location where Raz's father awaited them. She couldn't let that happen. She needed to get the keys and free herself.
Then, she needed to save her friends from the inferno before it was too late. Monique's heart raced, adrenaline surging through her veins as she took a deep breath and leaned to the side in her seat. Trevor's eyes flicked over to her, his brows furrowing.
"What are you doing?" he asked, gaze drifting from her to the road, then back to her. "What..."
Before he could finish the sentence, she lifted her legs and kicked at him, slamming the heel of her foot into his side repeatedly. He swiped his hand at her, but she continued kicking, screaming as she did so.
All the anger and rage she'd been feeling since the divorce bubbled up inside her. All the hurt, the nights crying, the weight-shaming, all of that came rushing to the forefront of her mind. Then, her thoughts returned to the present.
This bastard had wanted to have her killed for his own gain. Her life had never meant shit to him. Fuck him loving her as a wife. He didn’t even have the human decency to care for her as a person.
The only people who'd been by her side through it all were Meka and Toya. They'd go to war for her at the drop of a dime. And she'd do the same for them. Still kicking at him, her foot connected with the side of his head.
"Stop!" Trevor yelled, swiping at her legs while also trying to steer the car.
But she wouldn't back down, not now. With one final kick, her foot slammed into the side of his head, sending it crashing against the window. His roar of pain gave her hope. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she continued kicking at him with all her might. She needed to get to her friends now. No one else could save them.
"Damn you!" he roared, pain and anger twisting his features.
A cry ripped from her lips when, in a swift motion, Trevor brought his elbow down on her knee. Not once. Not twice. But three times. For a moment, it felt like her entire leg had caved in. The pain was unlike anything she'd ever experienced.
It traveled up her thigh and hip. Even her stomach ached. Nausea rolled over her. She heaved, about to be sick. Swallowing the rising bile, she tried to lift her leg again, but her entire side felt like it was on fire.
"Stupid bitch," Trevor yelled as he put the car in park.