The compliment caused Raz’s temper to flare. His voice was low and lethal when he responded, “If you keep noticing the way she’s built, I’m going to put a bullet in your head.”

“I was talking about...”

Raz turned his glare on him, silencing whatever weak excuse the man had been about to offer.

“Got it, boss,” the guard muttered, eyes shifting to the wall as he wisely decided not to finish his sentence and not to look at Monique.

Raz’s attention snapped back to his Rosa. She was in full Lady Boss mode, explaining things like she’d been doing this her whole life. He kept waiting for a motherfucker to say something rude or contradict her.

He was itching to shoot someone, but no one said anything. And the one time Isla tried to interject, Raz hadn’t had to come to Monique’s aid. His woman had simply stared at Isla and said, “Lives are on the line. Let’s save the little girl drama for later. The adults are handling business right now.”

That had shut Isla up, leaving her with her mouth open. And when she’d started to speak again, her dad had shot her a look that silenced her quickly.

“I think this plan is the best plan and will have the least number of casualties,” Monique said, finishing up her speech. She faced Raz. “How do you want the teams split up, boss?”

She’d called him boss. If they were in a different situation, he’d have her against the wall right now. Since they weren’t, Raz kept his composure, holding in his smile.

“You’re the boss,” he told her, ignoring the sound of Isla sucking her teeth. Chuckling, Monique repeated her question to him. “Let’s have Leo and Rocco,” Raz started to answer just as a phone rang.

It was Leo’s line. They all paused as Leo answered. The sound of another phone chiming soon followed. This time, it was Tomas’ phone. Raz’s attention drifted between the two conversations, picking up tidbits of information from each call.

On Leo’s call, Leo was saying, “That’s good. You’re in the building.”

On Tomas’ call, he was saying, “You’ve cleared two of the exits, and the don’s men are coming in. Good. Good. I will let them know.”

Across from him, Monique released a soft sigh, tension easing from her shoulders.

“Since Team C already has two of the exits cleared, we may be able to have Team C get the people from the gala out. Team A will still go after the old don’s guards to distract them. But Team B can now accompany the don as he goes after the old don,” she said, glancing at Raz, the faintest trace of relief flickering in her eyes.

His Rosa hadn’t wanted him to go after his father alone. She’d wanted a team with him. That was fine with him. But he still wanted to face his father one on one. Raz nodded to his Rose, his mind already shifting gears, adjusting the plan.

“We should have enough people to execute your strategy,” Raz told her. “Team A will still create distractions to draw the guards away. Rocco and Stoney will take the lead on that. Team C will focus on getting the guests out now that they’ve cleared the exits. Leo and Tomas can handle that with Tomas and their team. Team B...” Raz’s gaze found Monique’s. “Monique and I will lead Team B straight for the old don.”

Monique smiled brightly. Raz found himself smiling back.

Isla spoke up, her voice irritating as hell. “What about the rest of us? I wasn’t added to a team. I can help you against the old don.”

Raz’s jaw tightened at the unnecessary interruption, his patience for Isla already worn thin. He didn’t even bother to look at her. His focus stayed on Monique, her presence helping him remain calm. Monique didn’t even blink at Isla’s outburst.

Her cool, composed demeanor remained intact, her gaze on Raz as she replied, “Isla, you’re needed elsewhere. I already told you that you’ll be in a safe location and you’ll have a guard towatch over you and your father. If you really want to help, follow the plan. This isn’t the time to play hero.”

“But why do I have to stay in a safe location when I can help fight?” Isla argued.

Monique faced her fully. “Because we don’t trust you.”

Isla gasped. “We? Who is we?”

“Orazio and I,” Monique replied.

Isla’s gaze snapped to Orazio.

Before she could speak, Orazio said, “Monique has spoken. Her words are my words. I hope we’re all on the same page. If not, there will be a problem.”

“Right,” Monique agreed. “Either you’re with us or against us. We don’t have time for fuck ups.”

Raz couldn’t hold in his smile. He couldn’t have said it better himself. Monique’s prompt shutdown of Isla caused the woman to fume. Isla’s face was flushed, her lips parting, ready to argue some more. One look from Frederico silenced her.

Raz turned back to the group. “Rocco, Stoney, you know your jobs. Get ready to lead Team A. Keep those guards distracted. The more chaos, the better. Leo, Tomas, you’re in charge of Team C. Get the guests out safely. Use the exits we’ve secured. Don’t let anyone fall behind.”