"Rosa," a deep voice whispered behind her.
Raz!Monique rushed over to Raz. She knelt beside him, her hands trembling as she rolled the dead body off him. The lifelessweight made her stomach turn, but she swallowed back the disgust, focusing on the task at hand.
"Are you okay?" she asked, peering into Raz's eyes, noticing how they kept drifting shut. He was still out of it. He forced his eyes open and met her gaze.
"What... did you... drug me... with?" he slurred.
"That doesn't matter right now. How do you feel?" she asked, glancing at the door to make sure no one was there.
Raz frowned and placed his hand against his head. Why was she just now noticing the knot there? It had to be from when he hit the floor after she drugged him. She'd apologize later. Right now, she needed to get him to another room with a door that wasn't broken.
"Do you think you can stand?" she asked.
"Why... do you... have a gun?"
"Raz, do you think you can stand?"
His eyes returned to hers. "Why do you... have a gun? Do you plan to... finish the job and kill me?" he asked, voice less slurred.
"I should shoot you in your leg for driving me crazy," Monique mused, getting frustrated. "Put your hand on my shoulder. We need to get you out of here."
"Not until you tell me..."
"Raz!" Monique yelled, gaze darting to the door before returning to him. "If you don't do what I say, I really will shoot you."
"Crazy ass."
"Yes. I am crazy. Now put your damn hand on my shoulder. And why are you smiling?"
Without answering, he placed his hand on her shoulder. She took a deep breath and said, "Try to stand on three. One. Two. Three."
Raz groaned as she helped him to his feet, his body unsteady. However, the way he looked at her and then around the room told her he was slowly coming back to himself.
"Lean against the wall,'" she told him as the sound of gunfire rang out.
Monique faced the door, standing in front of Raz with her gun raised, ready to shoot if anyone tried to enter.
From behind her, Raz's voice was less groggy and more forceful when he asked, "Rosa, what the hell is going on?"
"A lot has happened since you took a nap," she told him, still facing the door.
"Yeah. Nap."
"Tell me what's going on, Rosa," he ordered.
"We're in the kitchen staff's breakroom," she began. "The old don and his men have taken over the gala."
"My father?"
"Yes. Leo, Rocco, and Stoney are trying to hold them off to keep them from reaching this section..."
"They're doing a shitty job," he mused.
She glanced back to find him staring at the guy on the floor.
"They're doing their best," she defended her guys. "They're only three people against all the guards who betrayed you, plus those your father brought with him."