“Let’s hope so,” Raz muttered, his eyes never leaving the phone.

Once Rome finished setting up the equipment, he glanced around the room and spotted a chair. Rome picked the chair up, carried it across the room, and then propped it under the door handle, ensuring no one could easily enter the room.

“Can’t have any interruptions,” Rome explained. “This won’t keep dad or anyone else out for long. But, it should buy us some time.”

Raz nodded, appreciating his brother’s help. They might not always see eye to eye, but when it came down to it, they were family, and they had each other’s backs.

“Thanks, Rome. You don’t even know Monique, and you’re helping me.”

“My big brother has never been in love. If you love her, she has to be special. Since you love her, she’s already my sister. We have to protect our family, right?”

“Why can’t dad see it that way?”

“I think he would if he wasn’t already plotting something. You falling in love came at a bad time for him and his plans. Later, when this is over, he’ll regret doing this.”

“Fuck his plans and his regret. Had he told me what he was planning, I would’ve sent Monique away for her safety. Now, I have no idea where she’s at. Or even if this phone call is going to lead me to her or not.”

As if on cue, Raz’s phone rang, the screen displaying the mystery number.

“Don’t answer it yet,” Rome ordered.

Raz’s heart hammered, adrenaline coursing through his veins. Rome rushed over to the bed and pressed some buttons on one of his devices before hooking a cord from the device to Raz’s phone.

“Answer it,” Rome instructed, his eyes locked on the device.

Raz accepted the call and put it on speakerphone.

“Hello,” Raz answered.

“Raz?” a sweet voice drifted across the line. “Raz, is that you?”

Weak-ass tears formed in his eyes.Rosa. It was her voice. It was her. She was alive. Relief washed over him, and it took every ounce of strength he had to keep from bursting into tears of fucking relief and joy. The tears could come later. Right now, he needed to find his woman.

And the bitches who dared take her from him.

Chapter Four



Raz's hand shook as he gripped the cell phone, his heart racing. He was so damn happy to hear Monique's voice.

"Can you hear me?" she asked.

"Yes, love. I hear you. It's so good to fucking hear you," he replied, his voice calm despite the raging storm inside him.

"Raz," Monique whispered.

Orazio could hear the tremble in her voice. That tremble made him want to fuck someone up. Rome waved to him and mouthed, “Relax.”

After taking a deep breath and releasing it slowly, Raz asked, "Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"No," Monique answered. "I'm not hurt. But..."

She went silent. Muffled voices sounded in the background. She wasn't alone. Orazio's grip on the phone tightened as he gritted his teeth. He needed to be next to her right now. Again, his brother motioned for him to calm down. It was hard to calm down when the person you loved was in danger.

"Keep her talking," Rome whispered.