Raz glared down at the shorter man who was blocking his path. "Get the fuck out of my way," Raz snarled.

Mr. Kiselyov's two bodyguards stepped forward just as Leo and Raz's guards caught up with him. Kiselyov raised his hand, signaling for his guards to stand down.

"It seems Mr. Cattaneo is busy," Kiselyov said to his guards. The rest was for Raz's ears. "I'm sure Orazio will make time to discuss my investment into his Corp with me soon. And he'll be more respectful when the time comes," Kiselyov said.

A flash of gold caught Raz's attention.

"Get the fuck out of my way." Raz shoved the Russian aside, leaving Leo and the other guards to deal with the fallout as he rushed ahead.

Where is she? Where is he? Had they gone in there?

Movement from the corner of his eye caught his attention. Was that Monique's friend, the one Cas liked? The woman disappeared into the crowd. Raz didn't have time to wonder what she was doing there. He had his own woman to find.

He pushed open a door to a side corridor. The noise from the gala faded behind him as he entered a quieter, dimly lit hallway. He could still hear the distant hum of Leo trying to manage the situation with Kiselyov, but it was all background noise to him now.

He smelled the scent of herbs and cream sauce. The kitchen had to be around here somewhere. Ahead, he saw a flash of gold fabric disappearing around a corner. He quickened his pace.

By now, he was damn near running. He turned the corner just in time to see Frederico and Monique entering a room at the end of the hall. Rage flared within him, heating every inch of his skin.

"Raz, wait," Leo called out to him.

Wait?How the fuck could he wait? His Rose had entered a private room with Frederico Miconi! Raz rushed forward, mind racing with what he'd possibly see when he opened that door.

Would he see Frederico touching Monique? Monique touching Frederico? Monique whispering Frederico's name as he kissed her neck?

Fuck that old motherfucker! Raz was going to rip his fucking tongue out. He was close to the room they'd entered now, so close he could almost feel the satisfaction of confronting Miconi. Reaching the door, he found it slightly ajar.

Oh, Miconi was bold as fuck for that! Raz kicked the door open with a force that sent it crashing against the wall with a bang. Frederico and Monique spun around. Raz's gaze locked onto Frederico.

What he saw shocked him. This bastard had been in the process of unzipping her dress. Raz's gaze jerked to his Rose. Guilt was written all over her face. Her eyes shimmered with unshed tears.

"Raz," she whispered.

That one whispered word broke his fucking heart and made his fragile grip on control snap.

“Ah, Orazio!” Frederico greeted, extending a hand. “I was wondering when we'd run into you.”

Raz was too far gone to process his words. He stalked forward, his eyes filled with cold fury. Instead of grabbing Frederico's hand, he grabbed him by the throat and slammed him into the wall, holding him there. Monique gasped. Frederico's eyes widened in shock.

“Raz!” Monique screamed.

Without taking his eyes off his enemy, Raz sneered at her, “Stay with Leo.” To Frederico, he said, “You think you can takewhat’s mine just because you're investing in my company? Is that how you think this shit works?”

Frederico’s eyes bulged. “Orazio, wait...”

Why was everyone telling him to wait? Fuck that! Before Frederico could utter another word, Raz raised his fist and punched the bastard in the face, sending blood splattering from the man's nose.

Monique screamed. Soft hands gripped his arm. For so long, he'd missed that touch, craving it night and day. But now, her touch only made him want to hurt Frederico more.

"Get her, Leo," he yelled to his guard as Frederico struggled against him, attempting to break free of his grasp. Not happening.

"Let him go, Raz," his Rose yelled. "Let him explain..."

"I don't need a fucking explanation!" Raz yelled into Miconi's face, hating that Monique was speaking up for that trash. When had they become so close?

"Raz, please..." she insisted.

The fact that she was begging so sincerely for him to free Frederico only made him want to hurt the bastard more.