"I just notified the announcer that you're on your way. I'll escort you and Isla to the top of the staircase, where your names will be announced. Then you'll walk down and..."
"I know the plan," Raz told Leo. "Why are you talking so much? You're acting nervous."
Leo wiped the sweat from his forehead. "Maybe I am nervous."
"It's either going to be an extremely long night or a dangerously short one," Leo muttered under his breath.
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"Nothing. Let's keep going."
Raz could've sworn he heard his guard mutter,"I don't get paid enough for this,"under his breath. They were nearing the end of the hallway and moving closer to the grand staircase. When they reached the edge of the hall, Raz was able to peep around the corner to see just how long the staircase was.
The gala floor where guests were was just out of view. However, Raz's eyes locked on a couple nearing the end of the long, winding stairs. They had to have walked down minutes before Isla and Raz started down the hallway.
The fact that they had been on this floor at all meant they were among the Golden VIP guests, the ones who had to be briefed on specific security measures.
Isla's voice broke through his thoughts. "There's my father and his date."
So, that's who that was!Raz's gaze sharpened as he focused on the couple below. With their backs to him, he couldn't see Frederico's date's face, but the dress she wore captured his attention.
The gold fabric clung to her curves in a way that was hauntingly familiar. Her hips swayed with each step she took. The back of her dress dipped low, revealing smooth brown skin. Rose designs on her dress crept along the small of her back.
The sight sent an echo of a memory through Raz's mind, freezing him in place. Frederico turned to his date, saying something that made them both laugh. The sound of her laughter was lost in the din of music and chatter from the gala.
However, the way she moved set off warning bells in Raz's brain. He stood there, unable to move, unable to look away, unable to calm his racing heart. Leo's voice reached him from a distance, sounding muffled.
"It's time to go down the stairs, Orazio," Leo informed him.
Not yet. He needed to see her face first. He needed to quell the thought forming in his brain. He needed to prove himself wrong before he lost his fucking mind. Isla squeezed his arm, speaking words that he didn't register.
His entire focus was on the woman in gold who was descending the stairs with Frederico Miconi. Her arm was intertwined with his, and the older man was carefully helping her navigate in her heels.
Frederico leaned closer to her when he spoke, and she leaned in as well, their closeness sending rage surging through Raz's veins. Every little detail about this woman was sending rage surging through Orazio.
It couldn't be her. That was impossible.
Yet, the way this woman moved was imprinted on his memory, on his heart. He'd recognize her form anywhere. It wasn't until she turned to stare out over the room that Raz's heart stopped, and he was instantly filled with murderous thoughts.
It was her!Someone else was holding his Rose. She'd been unable to answer his call because she'd been in the arms of another man. His vision narrowed, and an unfamiliar snarl rose from his throat.
"Leo," Raz growled, his voice a dangerous whisper.
"Uh, yes, boss."
"Instruct the guards to lock all the doors. No one is leaving this bitch alive."
Isla started to protest. Raz's glare silenced her. Her eyes widened and she was no longer smiling as if she held all the cards. Instead, he saw real fear in her eyes.Good. He was ready to see that same fear in her father's gaze.
He was ready to be the last motherfucker her father saw!
Chapter Thirty-Seven