"Thank you," Monique whispered, tears threatening to fall. She blinked them back, not wanting to mess up her makeup.
"Come over here, let me touch up your makeup, ladies," the makeup artist told them.
Monique sat in the chair so her makeup could be refreshed. While the artist worked, she went over the kidnapping plan again in her head. Nothing could go wrong tonight. Everything had to flow flawlessly.
There was no room for errors. She just hoped she didn't mess things up on her end. It would be devastating if she couldn't manage to lure Raz away from his date. Though they did have a plan B, Monique's heart was hoping plan A worked.
The door creaked open, and a stylist peered inside. "Monique Rose, someone is here to see you," the woman announced.
"Seeme?" Monique asked. Who would be looking for her? "Is it Caspari Cattaneo?"
"No. It's a Mr. Frederico Miconi."
Frederico?What was he doing there?
"Oooh," Toya cooed. "He just couldn't stay away. You've got that man's nose wide open."
"Stop playing," Monique drawled, rising from her seat.
Meka frowned. "It's getting late. Cas should be here by now. I'm going to call him to see if everything is okay."
"While you do that, I'm going to step out and see Frederico," Monique told her friends.
"Take your time," Meka told her. "And don't trip and fall in those heels."
"I can walk in these heels," Monique hissed, causing her friends to laugh, which helped lighten her mood and stop her heart from racing.
Her heart shouldn't even be racing. It was just Frederico. He was only a friend. She couldn't even truly classify him as that since she'd just met the man. Still, her heart was pounding.
What would Frederico think when he saw her in this dress? He'd seen it before, but he hadn't witnessed the full effect. She was eager to get a male's perspective on her look. Monique exited their private room and was led to a small area where Frederico was seated on a settee.
He rose when he heard the door open. Her heart thundered in her chest as she waited for him to turn around and face her. As he turned in her direction, she noticed that his attire complemented hers in so many ways.
He was dressed in all black. But his black tie had gold rose designs etched into it. This man had really gotten a tux to match her dress. Would that upset Raz? Probably. Guilt threaded through her, but it melted away a few seconds later.
The look on Frederico's face when his gaze landed on her boosted her self-esteem. He looked awe-struck. His eyes widened, and his mouth dropped open. She couldn't lie, this man was good for her ego.
His gaze roamed over her as he slowly approached her. He closed his mouth, then opened it again, only to close it once more. Monique waited for him to speak. Seconds ticked by, and he still uttered no words. Had she really shocked him speechless?
"Is it that bad?" Monique joked, needing to break the silence that felt like it was stretching into eternity.
His wide-eyed gaze jerked to hers. "No. Not at all."
"Oh. I was wondering since you haven't said anything."
Frederico just continued staring at her.
Monique snapped her fingers. "Say something before you make me feel self-conscious."
His gaze rose to hers again once he was standing almost toe to toe with her. Monique swallowed as a nervous feeling crept over her. This was dangerous territory. She should take a step back. Frederico leaned forward to peer into her eyes.
"There's no way anyone can make you feel self-conscious," he told her. "Not while you've got that look in your eyes."
"What look?" Monique asked.
"You look confident. You look happy," he pointed out. "No one can bring you down when you're confident and happy."
Monique smiled.