Releasing a sigh, Monique agreed. "Deal."

"I'm a protector, Ms. Rose. It's just who I am. It's embedded in my DNA. And though I like a woman who stands her ground, I also want her to allow me to be a man and protect her from the world," Mr. Miconi mused. "What do you like in a man, Ms. Rose?"

"I like a protective man. But one who doesn't let his desire to protect me consume him."

"The desire to protect is very consuming. But a real man won't let it show. His woman will never know that he's consumed by the need to keep her safe. He'd do it subtly, quietly, fiercely. She'd live her entire life not knowing that inthe shadows, he's murdering everything that moves to keep her safe."

His words struck her in the center of her chest, nearly making her gasp. Those were the words she wanted to hear... no,neededto hear from Raz. She understood Raz's need to protect her. And she trusted him to do just that.

She didn't have to know what went on in the shadows. She was okay with him doing whatever it took to keep them safe and together. But he never gave her the chance to tell him that. The urge to cry welled within her, and this time, she really did blink back tears.

And it wasn't tears for Raz. It was tears for what could've been if only he'd said those words to her that horrible day when he'd ended things. Monique swallowed down her emotions, refusing to let them show right here, right now.

"It's your turn," Mr. Miconi urged. "You're supposed to tell me something you like now."

Monique cleared her throat before saying, "Um... Are you sure it's my turn?"

Smiling, he nodded. Monique tried to think of something she liked in a man. It should be easy to do, but he'd thrown her off her game with his last statement.

"I, uh, I like a man who speaks his mind and doesn't attempt to spare my feelings when we talk. I'm not a child. I'm a grown woman. I can handle anything you throw at me."

Nodding, Mr. Miconi said, "I like a woman who knows what she wants and isn't afraid to tell me. I can't read your mind. Tell me what you want, and I'll do it. Simple as that. I'll do whatever my woman wants and needs."

Monique swallowed. "I like a man who wants me and only me and would move heaven and hell to keep me by his side."

"And that's exactly what you deserve, Ms. Rose. Which is why you should choose me instead of Don Cattaneo," Mr. Miconidrawled, intense eyes holding her captive. Eyes that a girl could get lost in. Eyes that...

Wait! What the hell did he just say?

Shock stopped her heart. Once it was beating again, she recovered enough to ask, "How do you know about me and Orazio?"

"Is it that surprising that I know about your past?"

"Answer the question," Monique hissed through clenched teeth, patience thin.

"I found out about you and Orazio Cattaneo a few weeks ago," Mr. Miconi confessed.

A few weeks ago?Her mind raced, trying to process all this new information. If he already knew about her and Raz, and since his daughter was Raz's future fiancé, that meant he planned this entire encounter.

"Is that why you approached me?" Monique asked, feeling betrayed, which was strange because she didn't know this man at all. He didn't owe her any loyalty.

"If I say that isn't why I approached you, would you believe me?" Mr. Miconi questioned.

"Believe you?" Monique released a sarcastic chuckle, feeling foolish as hell for believing this man in the first place. "No, I won't believe you. I don't even know why I'm still talking to you. It's clear that you approached me with an agenda. This is the type of bullshit I do not have time for." Monique snatched her purse up, then rose from her seat. "Let's cancel our date to the gala. I refuse to be a pawn in whatever game you're playing." Monique turned to leave.

"Was it okay for you to makemea pawn in whatever gameyou'replaying?" Mr. Miconi's voice drifted to her, causing her to stop.

She slowly turned to face him. Monique opened her mouth to speak but closed it because Mr. Miconi spoke up before she could.

"Careful," he warned. "Don't paint yourself as a hypocrite."

Oh, no, this bastard didn't!Monique strode forward, heels clicking against the floor as she approached him. She placed her purse on the table next to his wine glass and peered into his face. She was so close to him that she was pretty sure he could feel her breath on his face. At this point, she didn't give a damn.

"You have no right to call me a hypocrite," Monique hissed.

"So, you hadn't planned to use me as a pawn?" Mr. Miconi's eyebrow rose in questioning.

"I did," Monique admitted. "Since you had the same agenda, there's no reason to get your boxers in a bunch over it. I..."