"That sounds cute," Monique told her. "I'll get mine in red, with black writing. I'll pair it with red heels, and I may dye my hair red."
"Love it!" Toya squealed, hand speeding over the page as she wrote it down. "I'll get my writing in gold on a black shirt. I'll pair it with gold heels and get myself a blonde wig. You know what they say, blondes have the most fun."
"Oh, that's going to be cute," Meka told Toya.
Toya looked up to say, "So that's our pre-kidnapping outfit. I can call in a favor to a friend and get these outfits made tomorrow. We can dye our own hair tonight to save time. Now, we need to figure out our game-day outfits. I think they should be all black, considering we'll be in stealth mode. I can run in heels, so I say we wear heels. You can also stab someone with them if the heels are sharp enough. So, they can double as weapons. Just saying."
"I can't run in heels," Meka admitted.
"I can't either," Monique added.
"Neither can I," Cas's deep voice filled the air, pulling their gazes to him.
Wow!Monique had almost forgotten he was there.
"Instead of calling you Caspari," Toya started. "We should call you Casper the friendly ghost because you scared me just now. I thought you went to the bathroom?"
"I did. An hour ago. Since then, I've been sitting here listening to your plan."
"You have?" Toya asked.
Cas nodded.
Meka chuckled. "We got caught up in planning. I admit, I didn't notice your return either."
"I noticed," Cas stated. "Let me see what you've written down so far." Cas reached for the notebook.
Toya handed it to him. "These are just a few of our ideas. Feel free to add any of your own."
Cas nodded as he read over her notes. "You all plan to get outfits made and dye your hair, huh?" They nodded. "And you plan to scope out the scene in heels, huh?"
"Those of us who can run in heels will wear heels," Toya explained. "The rest will wear tennis shoes that match their outfit."
Cas nodded. "And on game day, we'll all wear black outfits that fit our forms and show off our curves."
They all nodded.
Cas continued reading. "So, you plan to throw glitter bombs at Raz's security guards."
"Yes," Meka told him. "Glitter is so hard to come off. And if it gets in your eyes, it can really scratch up your pupils. If they stop to rub their eyes, it's over for them. While they're distracted, we can get in and get Raz."
"Ohhh," Cas drawled. "I never knew glitter could be so dangerous. And it says here that you plan to take Raz to an undisclosed location. Where will that be?"
"We haven't decided yet," Monique told him. "Not my house because his guards know where I live. I'm thinking of renting a cabin in the woods."
"Ohhh. Not a bad idea."
Monique smiled, glad he approved of her idea.
"And you'll restrain him with handcuffs and keep him locked up until he agrees to your demands."
Monique nodded.
"And what will you do when our guards track his phone to his location?" Cas asked.
"Damn," Toya said. "I didn't think about his phone. We'll toss his phone out the window to throw the guards off our trail."
"And what will you do if Raz doesn't realize you're women and decides to fight back before you can handcuff him?"