"I know," Meka whispered with a slight smile on her face.
"Are you going to greet him looking like that?" Toya asked, frowning.
Meka's eyes widened, and her gaze jerked to the pajamas she was wearing. Then, her hand flew to her hair, which was hidden under a bonnet.
"Oh, no!" Meka whispered. "I look a mess. What am I going to do?"
Toya smiled. "Go shower while I look through your suitcase to find you something nice."
"Thank you, Toya."
"You're welcome."
"Don't choose anything trashy," Meka told Toya.
"Huh?" Toya said. "I can't hear you. You're breaking up."
Meka looked to Monique. "Don't let her choose me anything trashy."
"I won't," Monique promised. "Now go shower. And brush your teeth."
"And shave your unibrow," Toya told her.
"I don't look that bad, damn," Meka said as she jumped up from the couch. The bright smile on her face was the first one she'd worn in weeks. Monique chuckled as Meka raced from the room, nearly slipping down as she rounded the corner.
"Our baby is all grown up," Toya drawled. "I'm glad she's back to normal because I was about ready to fight her."
"What? She was getting on my damn nerves. I swear she called me a hoe about five times today. You heard her."
Laughing, Monique asked, "Do you think they'll be okay?"
Toya shrugged. "At least they'll be together. At least they can say they tried to make it work. No regrets, remember?"
"That's right. No regrets. Now, go find Meka an outfit while I get the curling iron ready."
They both left to do their tasks. Meka showered and dressed in record time. By the time Monique's security camera dinged, letting them know a car had parked in front of the house, Meka was dressed and ready to face the man she loved.
"How do I look?" Meka asked, rubbing a hand over the black, skintight jeans she was wearing.
She'd paired them with a black shirt that showed off her girls. The shirt dipped low in the front, and the silver necklace Monique had given her stopped at the swell of her breasts. Meka's hair had been wrapped around her head underneath her bonnet.
So, her friend had just combed the wrap out and let her hair drop past her shoulders, no need for the curling iron. After dabbing perfume on her wrists and in the valley between her breasts, Meka was ready to face the man she loved.
Monique told Meka to wait until Cas knocked on the door before going outside. Her friend wasn't trying to hear that. Meka exited the house before Cas stepped out of the car. As soon as the door closed behind Meka, Monique and Toya pulled up the security app on Monique's phone so they could see and listen to their friend's entire conversation.
It was time for them to watch true love bloom! And it ended up being one of the sweetest reunions Monique had ever witnessed.
"We should've given her an earbud so she could stay connected to us in case we needed to talk her through this," Toya mused, eyes on the security camera.
"We're not spies, Toya. This is not some secret mission."
"Right, right," Toya drawled.
Standing on the porch, Meka shifted from one foot to the other.
"She looks so nervous," Toya pointed out. "She's acting as if he's her first crush or something, and we both know he's not."