Slowly opening his eyes, he tilted his head back and stared up at the ceiling. His brother acted like crying and screaming about how unfair the world was would solve Raz's problems.

That had never solved anything for anyone. He knew in his heart that what he was doing was the right thing to do. Raz swallowed. In fact, maybe he needed to do more. The easiest way to get over one love was to find another one.

He didn't have to love this new woman. He couldn't. He'd already given his heart away. He was now an empty shell. But he was rich and powerful, which was enough for the type of woman he needed now.

He only needed her to shut his family up and show Monique that she should move on because he'd already done so. Raz picked up the landline and called Leo. His guard answered on the third ring.

"Yes, boss."

"The Gala is in two days. I need a date. Find someone suitable."

"Should I call Moni..."

"Say her name, and I'll kill you," Raz growled, secretly wishing it was Monique who'd stand by his side during that event.

"Mr. Miconi is flying in for the event. He arrives tomorrow with his daughter, Isla Miconi. She's twenty-seven, unmarried, and considered an investment guru. I could find out hermeasurements and send her a dress, heels, and jewelry with a note from you stating you'd love to meet her and have her at your side for the gala. And I'll have a suit chosen for you that matches her attire. This should impress her father and win you some brownie points with him since you have a meeting with him next week to discuss him investing in Cattaneo Corp."

Raz swallowed the bile that rose in his throat. Everything that Leo had just said sounded reasonable. He was a don. It was time for him to start forming connections and strengthening his backing.

Plus, he needed a woman in his life who was accustomed to the darker side of business. Miconi was known to be ruthless. His daughter was his only child and the heir to the Miconi enterprise in Italy.

She'd even established her own business in the States. And she was rumored to be just as ruthless as her father. She was the type of woman his father would've chosen for him. She was the type of woman who could handle his lifestyle.

"Should I send someone to find out her measurements?" Leo asked, pulling Raz back into the conversation.

Raz swallowed, feeling like he was betraying the love of his life.

"Yes," he whispered. "Do it."Before I change my mind.

"Consider it done, boss. I'll text you Isla Miconi's picture...wait, you broke your phone. I'll email you her picture so you know how she looks. I'll have your cousin send over an outfit befitting of Isla after I have the measurements. I'll also have her choose a matching tux for you."

"One more thing, Leo."

"What's up?"

"I need for Monique to be able to see me and Isla together."

"Why the hell do you want that?Ohhh. You think that will help her move on."

Raz swallowed. "She may love me, but she's a proud woman. She's loyal and expects loyalty in return. She'll hate me and give up on me if she sees me kissing someone else."

"Don't you think that's taking it a little too far?"

"She leaves me no choice. I can't even begin to start living my life as the new don until Monique has moved on. I can't keep seeing her on security monitors. I can't keep listening to her voicemails. Eventually, I'll break and go to her. I need her to leave me. Because me leaving her isn't getting the job done. So find a way for Monique to see Isla and me together so we can end this love once and for all."

"Yes.... Sir," Leo muttered.

"Thanks, Leo."



Leo hesitated for a moment before saying, "I'm sorry."

Blinking back tears, Raz hung the phone up.

Chapter Twenty-One