"Do you want me to call them and give the all-clear?" Cas asked.

Still staring up at the ceiling, Raz remained silent. A few moments passed before Cas called his name.

"Raz? Do you want me to..."

"No," Raz whispered. "I still have to talk to the police. You all haven't given me the full cover story yet. Plus, the police will hover around us for a few months before they let this go.Ifthey let it go. I also have to deal with uncle and Mr. Tatum. Then there's our stuff with dad and the family. Once I'm made the new don, some of father's enemies will try to strike at our family, trying to test me and our strength. Trying to see if we're stillas strong as we've always been. It'll be months, years before my world is remotely safe. Even after the dust settles, enemies will still lurk in the shadows. They're always there, hiding, waiting for a chance to pounce."

"What are you saying?" Cas asked. "What does that mean for you and Monique?"

Raz closed his eyes, trying to shut out the emotions threatening to overwhelm him. What the fuck was he saying? His mind knew it. But his heart wasn't ready to let go. His heart would never be ready to let go.


"Give me a sec," Raz said, voice shaking on the last word.

He took a few deep breaths to pull himself together. He hated feeling this way, but his uncle and father were right. Love had no place in the life of a man like him. This wasn't a fairytale. And he was nobody's prince charming.

This was the real world. And in the real world, he was a glorified criminal. A rich killer. Someone who needed to stay far away from Monique Rose.

"Raz, do you want me to call..."

"No," Raz said, cutting Cas off. "Don't call her. I... I have to let her go if I truly want to keep her safe."

"But..." Cas started again.

"You were right, Cas. Being near me is the worst place for her. Especially right now. It would be best if she could forget all about me."

"But you owe her some kind of explanation."

"No. I owe her a chance to be happy and find someone who can love her the way she deserves to be loved. And this is the only way I can give her that."

Even though it would break my soul to do so. Even though doing so meant I'd never be truly happy again. But that was the price I was willing to pay to keep her safe.

A phone rang, bringing an end to the silence that had settled over the room. Raz glanced Cas's way to find him staring down at his phone screen.

"You don't have to worry about me calling her," Cas told him.


"Because she's calling me." Cas turned the screen Raz's way. "Do you want to answer it or not?"

Raz swallowed. There was no point in putting this off. It was best to rip the band-aid off fast, not slow. The phone continued ringing. Stretching his hand out, Raz reached for the device.

It felt like it weighed a ton when Cas placed it in his hand. But it wasn't the phone that was heavy. It was his heart. Raz brought the phone to his ear and answered it.

"Orazio speaking."

"Raz?" Monique's sweet voice came across the line.

"Hello, Rosa," Raz whispered, so fucking happy to hear her voice.

"Raz! Oh my gosh, Raz! I've been so worried. Where are you? I want to come to you. I need to see you," his Rosa said, making tears spill down his cheeks.

How the fuck was he supposed to let this woman go? Raz took a deep breath, releasing it slowly, knowing what he had to do would hurt her. And that was the last thing he'd ever wanted to do. But staying with him would ruin her. He refused to ruin her light with his darkness.

"Rosa, I mean, Monique," Raz paused to clear his throat.

"Yes, Raz. What's wrong?"