He didn't care who took over as president as long as it wasn't his uncle. It damn sure wasn't going to be Raz. He couldn't handle the politics that came with Cattaneo Corp. Plus, he was ready to cut back on working so much so he could spend time with Monique.

As for his father, it was time for the don to retire. Not because these rich fucks wanted him to. But because don Cattaneo had let these rich fucks feel comfortable enough to meet in secret with Patrick behind his back.

Sure, his father was currently detained. But this shit still went down on the don's watch. How many more meetings had they had like this? What had taken his father so long to act? His father had to know something was brewing with them.

That was why he'd gotten Orazio involved in the first place, wanting to work together to take out Tatum. If Raz followed the paper trail, which he would, he was sure Tatum was in the pockets of most of the board members.

Tatum was Patrick's support system. So the don had needed to take Tatum out of the picture and had used the situation with Cas to get Orazio involved. The problem was that the don had involved Monique in his scheme.

Had that not happened, Raz would've helped his father take out Tatum, whip these board members into shape, and let that be that. But because his father had involved Monique, because he'd tried to take her from Raz, because he'd considered her a weakness for Raz, Orazio could no longer let that be that.

Given the chance, his father would come after her again. Raz was left with no choice but to make sure his father didn't have the power to do that. While the don had been getting Monique and her friends kidnapped and having Orazio kidnap the younger Tatum, he should've been stopping the bullshit at the source,Patrick.

Patrick was the don's weakness. His father was always protecting Patrick and covering up shit for Patrick. He'd created the disloyal fuck that was Patrick Cattaneo. This was the don's fault. All of this could've been resolved with little to no bloodshed if the don had simply gotten his brother together.

The don had let this problem grow and fester. Therefore, in Raz's mind, the don was no longer worthy of that title. It was time for him to step down from family don and C. Corp president. Raz's gaze continued to move around the room. He watched the last hesitant board member sign his name.

"Are we all done signing the contract?" Raz asked. A collective yes filled the room. "Perfect. Meeting over. You can all return home. Isn't it better to leave this meeting walking instead of in a body bag?" Another collective yes filled the room.

Raz watched the members rise from their seats. Their gazes kept drifting to him as if they feared he'd shoot them in the back on their way out. That was a cowardly move. If Raz was going to shoot them, he'd do it to their faces. One of the members was kind enough to help Frillman from his seat and toward the door.

When Frillman reached the door, Orazio called out, "Mr. Frillman, what will you say when the doctor asks what happened to you?"

Without looking over his shoulder, Frillman answered, "I'll tell them my wife was cleaning our gun, and it went off. She's rather clumsy. I shouldn't have let her clean it."

"Your wife should be more careful in the future," Raz told him. "She could've killed you. Or herself."

Frillman nodded. "I'll tell her to be more careful. Thank you for your concern, Mr. Cattaneo."

Orazio watched as Mr. Frillman was led from the room. Other than Raz and his team, only Patrick and Tatum remained in the room.

Orazio faced his uncle. "Bryce," Orazio called out. "Escort your father to uncle Carlo's house. Tell uncle to call a family meeting. I'll be there soon."

Bryce nodded, then pointed his gun at his father and said, "Let's go,Patrick."

There was that tick in Patrick's jaw that let Raz know his uncle was close to losing it.

"You're making a big mistake," his uncle warned, unable to leave the room quietly. "You think those men rushed out of here just because they were frightened?" Patrick laughed. "They rushed out of here so they could plan their revenge. They may look like rich old men to you, but they are some of the most ruthless businessmen I know."

Raz chuckled. "Ruthless, you say? What's a ruthless businessman to a savage? Not shit."

"This isn't over," Patrick snarled. "Don't be surprised if they hire people to come after you. Our family isn't the only family with dark connections."

"Let them send whoever they want to send. I've never been afraid of getting my hands dirty," Raz told him. "And our family has never been afraid of going to war."

Patrick smirked as his gaze drifted from Raz to Cas, to Rome, and then to Bryce.

"What do you babies know about war?" Patrick sneered. "Not shit. I can still smell the breast milk on your breaths when you boys talk. You're still children. None of you have ever been through a real war. Not like my father and grandfather. Not like my brothers and me. You boys aren't ready for the big leagues, and it's showing. You think you've done something here today. You ain't did shit but make things worse. The thing about you younger Cattaneos is," Patrick drawled. "You may be strong when it comes to fighting and getting your hands dirty. But you're soft in other ways."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Raz asked.

"I'm talking about your hearts. I'm talking about your feelings. You young boys want to have it all: the money, the respect, the fear, and love. You don't date for business reasons. No. You actuallylovethe women you date. That makes you weaker than the rich fucks who were just in here."

Raz's smile faded, and a chill crept down his spine. "What the fuck does love have to do with this?"

"Everything," Patrick replied, smile widening. "You all think you've taught me and the board a lesson. Get ready, little boys. Because school is still in session. I've got a feeling you boys won't be able to handle this next class."

A ding sounded from Rome's computer. Raz looked his brother's way. The look on Rome's face sent dread coursing through Orazio's veins.