Raz told himself not to snap on Leo for the part he’d played in all of this. If it wasn’t for Leo, he wouldn’t have been able to findMonique so quickly. That didn’t mean he wasn’t still angry with the guard. He was angry and thankful at the same time.

“Today,” Leo continued. “I was alerted to movement and saw Trevor taking Monique from the building. When he went back in, I expected to see him take her friends out or at least see her father take them out. When he came out empty-handed, I figured he was leaving her friends with her dad but taking Monique to the rendezvous location to meet The Don. But a few minutes ago, the motion detection alerted again. When I pulled up the camera feed, I saw that the sprinklers had gone off, causing the motion detector to alert me. That’s when I realized something was wrong. And then I noticed the smoke.”

“That motherfucker set the building on fire,” Raz muttered, more to himself than to Leo, as he watched Trevor near the building’s exit. No wonder he’d said that they didn’t have much time. He’d planned to burn them alive.

“When I got to the warehouse, I found Toya and Meka trying to break down the back door. They were handcuffed, and I have no idea how long they’d been kicking at the door, trying to get out. Because they’d kicked the doorknob off, I’d been able to hear their screams for help and find them quickly. I’ve freed them, but their feet are badly bruised, and they haven’t had food or water for days. I’m taking them to the hospital to be treated. I would’ve called you sooner, but getting them into my car took me a little while. Even in their weakened state, they tried to jump me. They thought I was still working with Trevor for the Don.”

That sounded like Monique’s friends. And for his part in this, Leo deserved a good beating from the two ladies. Trevor looked over his shoulder at Orazio. Orazio glared at him. Frowning, Trevor faced forward and started limping toward the exit faster.

“Put guards outside their hospital rooms,” Raz told Leo. “Cas’s too. My uncle may try something. I don’t know how much he knows about what’s going on yet.”

“Will do, boss.”

“Prepare a hospital room for Monique, too. And have someone ready the Basement for me. I’ll be sending someone there for a lengthy stay.”

“The Basement? You haven’t used the Casino’s Basement in a while.”

Raz almost smiled as he thought of the Basement, a space below the Casino’s garage that wasn’t even on the building’s blueprint. And it took a combination of buttons to be pressed on the elevator panel to be taken to the Basement. Only a few knew about it. And soon, it would have a new occupant.

“I hadn’t had a reason to take anyone there lately. Now I do,” Raz drawled, eyes on Trevor’s retreating form.

“You plan to torture Trevor for an extended time, huh?” Leo asked.

“I do.”

“I’ll get someone to ready the Basement for our guest. Be careful. I’ve gotten word that the Tatums are having a meeting, and Mr. Tatum is going crazy looking for his son.”

“I’ll put that family out of their misery soon. We’ll be arriving at the hospital shortly,” Raz said before ending the call with Leo and shoving the phone back into his pocket. The Tatum’s could wait. Trevor couldn’t. “Hey, Trevor!” Orazio shouted, his voice echoing in the warehouse.

Trevor froze in his tracks like a deer caught in headlights. He looked back again, eyes widening as Raz smiled at his prey. Expression twisting into a look of sheer terror, Trevor turned and began half jogging, half limping toward the door.

Oh, hell no.He was not about to let him get away. There would be no escaping for Trevor Wilks. Orazio started forward, ready to chase after him. Again, he was stopped by his brother.

“Raz, hold on,” Rome said, gripping his brother’s arm. “He can’t go anywhere. I took care of his car.”

“What? Why?” Orazio raised an eyebrow, glancing at Rome.

“You said you were letting him go. You didn’t say he could use his car. I was going to make his bitch ass walk,” Rome said with a wicked grin.

Orazio couldn’t help but smile at that, a cruel satisfaction rising within him. He imagined Trevor climbing into the vehicle, desperate to flee, only to find his means of escape sabotaged. He could practically hear the pathetic whimpers and see the dawning horror in Trevor’s treacherous eyes.

“I’ll go get Trevor,” Raz told Rome. “Have the medical team prepare to move Monique to the hospital. Leo is heading there with her friends.”

“Good. Everything seems to be working out well.”

“Too well,” Raz stated as he headed toward the exit.

Whenever things worked out too well, something bad always came along to fuck things up. Raz was done playing nice. He was done negotiating. Anyone who did anything to fuck up what he had planned would get a bullet to the head.

And that included his uncle. He wouldn’t shoot his uncle in the head. But he would make it so that Uncle Patrick was no longer able to get their family involved in unnecessary chaos, which was something Raz’s father should’ve done a long time ago.

Raz was a firm believer in protecting his family. But when a family member turned on you, that family member needed to be taught a lesson. And Raz was in the mood to educate a few motherfuckers.

Chapter Ten

