"Security team," Rome said into his earpiece as he approached Raz. "Are you in place?" When Rome reached his side, he told him, "They're all in place and ready."
Raz looked down at the tracking device that he was still clutching as if it was a lifeline to Monique. The blinking dot had stopped moving for a few minutes on the drive there. But it had started back and was moving at a quick rate.
"They're almost here," Raz muttered.
"How do you feel?" Rome asked.
"I'm serious. How does your body feel?"
Rome punched him in his side, causing Raz to double over in pain.
"What the fuck, Rome?"
"You're not fine. You can't afford to do that when Trevor is here, especially if you're determined to fight him on your own. I have something you can take."
Clutching his side, Raz glared at his brother. "What is it?"
"It's called Hypoesthenon."
"What the hell is that?"
"I... created it for Cas."
"You made a drug?"
"I didn't study pharmaceutical science for no reason."
"When did you even study that?" They’d all been forced to study Business.
"In my free time."
Raz didn't have time to process that right now. "Why would you create a drug like that for Cas?"
"A few months ago, he called me while I was in Italy and told me he didn't want to feel anymore."
Cas hadn’t wanted to feel anymore? What the fuck did that even mean?
Raz inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly. "I can't do this right now. We'll talk about this after I get Monique back. Understood?"
Rome nodded.
"How does this drug work, and is it safe?"
"Yes, I tested it on myself."
"Rome!" Raz yelled.
"I couldn't give it to my brother if I wasn't willing to test it on myself. It works. It leaves you feeling numb. It took me a few tries to get it right. More than a few, actually. My first attempts made me sluggish, unable to move any part of my body. But, in Italy, Don Deluca let me use one of his facilities, and I was able to create a proper drug, one that takes away the pain and anxiety but leaves your mind clear, able to focus, and doesn't affect your motor functions."
"What's the side effects? You wouldn't be looking at me like that if there weren't side effects."
"It lasts for about seventeen hours if you take just one pill. Two days if you take two. During those seventeen hours, you won't be able to feel anything. If you're hit, you won't feel it. If you're burned, you won't feel it. If Monique kisses you, you won't feel it."
"Damn. Anything else?"