“Don’t shoot,” Isla breathed heavily.

Monique exhaled slowly, lowering her gun. “What the hell, Isla?” Monique muttered, more from frustration than relief.

Isla reached the landing, chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath. Monique could already tell something was wrong. The woman looked panicked, her eyes darting back toward the stairwell like someone was right behind her.

Monique stepped closer to Isla, her eyes narrowing in concern as she took in the woman's state. Isla’s perfectly styled hair was now in wild disarray. Her dress was torn, there was a panicked look in her eyes, and she was trembling slightly.

“What happened?” Monique asked.

“They found... us,” Isla gasped, fighting to catch her breath. She paused to gulp down more air. “The don’s men. They found us... and they took my dad.”

Monique’s eyes widened.

“They’re dragging him down the hall,” Isla cried, tears streaming down her cheeks. “One of them tried to.. he tried to...” Her voice cracked, and she couldn’t finish the sentence.

Monique didn’t need her to. The sight of Isla’s ripped dress, the way she was desperately clutching it to her chest to keep her breasts from showing, said everything. Monique’s stomach twisted with disgust and fury.

The old don’s men weren’t just disloyal to Raz, they weren’t just killers. They were the type of men who preyed on women. The worst of the worst. For that alone, they deserved death.

“I didn’t have a gun,” Isla continued, her voice shaking with rage. “I lost it while trying to fight them off. I need Leo or Raz. I need them to help me get my dad back. The don’s men, they... they killed my father’s guards,” she sobbed, her entire body shaking. “I can’t let them kill my dad too. He’s all I have let.”

Those words nearly broke Monique. “How far away are they?” she asked.

“Down the hall,” Isla sobbed. “If you give me a gun, I’ll go kill those fuckers myself.”

Monique stared at her for a moment, considering her options. She didn’t trust Isla enough to give her a gun. Plus, with the way the woman was trembling, there was no telling what Isla might do in her current state.

There was a chance Isla could shoot her dad by mistake if her aim was off. But the thought of the old don’s men hurting Frederico, of them possibly killing him, didn’t sit well with Monique.

Raz had already wounded the man because of her. She couldn’t let him die here. She had to do something. Monique owed Frederico that much, regardless of the tension between them.

"Stay here," Monique told Miconi’s daughter. She glanced toward the stairwell door, knowing Leo hadn’t returned yet. Whatever was happening below, Leo would have to handle it on his own for now.

“I’ll go with you...” Isla started.

“No," Monique cut her off. "I’ll take care of it. You stay here and don’t move. I’ll try to stop them. Leo or Raz should be back soon. Let them know where I’ve gone.”

With that, Monique turned and strode forward, her mind already calculating what needed to be done. She didn’t trust Isla, but she couldn’t ignore what was happening. She wouldn’t letthe old don’s men take Frederico just because she didn’t like his daughter.

Though she’d rather be helping Raz or Leo, she trusted them to be able to handle their own. Frederico was in no condition to defend himself. He was in more danger than them. Monique took another step forward.

“I should go with you,” Isla whispered.

“It’d be better if you stayed here,” Monique insisted, glancing over her shoulder at the still trembling woman.

Isla shook her head, causing her hair to fall into her face. She tossed her hair out of her face before saying, “I’m going with you. He’s my father. I may not have a gun, but I can help get him to safety. You won’t be able to carry him on your own.”

That was true. Plus, Monique had a feeling Isla didn’t want to be alone right now. That was understandable.

Giving in, Monique told her, “Alright. Stay behind me.”

Isla nodded. Just as Monique was about to turn away, Isla stopped her by grabbing her wrist gently.

“Thank you, Monique,” Isla said, her voice softer now.

“For what?” Monique asked, eyes narrowing in confusion.

Isla released Monique to wipe her eyes, smudging her mascara as she did so. “For helping me, despite how I’ve behaved.”