"I'm thinking that the enemy of my enemy can be my accomplice," Monique mused.
"Explain," Leo told her, frowning.
She crossed her legs, now wishing she was wearing jeggings and a T-shirt instead of an elegant dress.
"Yes, Frederico's guards will be mad at us," she started. "But they can hash their beef with us out later. Right now, we both need to survive the old don. They need to save their boss, Miconi. And they need a way to get him out of here. They have people on the inside. We'll soon have people on the outside. Together, we can end this, and then Miconi and Raz can deal with their issues. Which I'm hoping will start with Raz apologizing."
Rocco burst out laughing as Leo chuckled.
"What?" Monique asked.
"Our don don't apologize," Rocco told her.
Monique heaved a heavy sigh. "Your don has a lot of changing to do if he wants issues like this to stop occurring."
She and Raz would have a long talk about his temper when he woke up.
"Frederico's men are our best hope. I'm calling them before it's too late," Monique said, reaching for her phone. Before she could open her purse, Leo’s phone rang. He answered, but his face paled as he listened to the voice on the other end.
"What do you mean they’ve almost breached the perimeter?" Leo demanded, panic creeping into his voice.
Damn it. What was going wrong now?
Leo hung up and turned to Monique, his expression grave. "That was Stoney. He's racing back this way. He says one of the old don's guards has an axe and is beating the door down. We’ve got about five minutes before they reach us. We need to move. Now!"
Where did they get an axe from?Monique thought, heart racing. Five minutes wasn't long enough for them to move Raz and find another secure location. That wasn't even long enough for her to convince Frederico's men to help.
What the hell were they supposed to do in five minutes?
Chapter Forty-One
Monique’s thoughts raced as the gravity of their situation sank in.Five minutes.That was all the time they had before the don’s men would arrive. That was not enough time to move Raz or find another safe location.
She knew what they had to do, even if it sent a shiver down her spine. She inhaled deeply, forcing herself to remain calm, then slowly released the breath. Panic wouldn’t help them now.
“Five minutes isn’t enough time to do anything,” Monique announced, her voice calm, betraying none of the fear swirling inside her. “We’re not moving Raz. We can't. We don’t have the time. Moving him now will only put him in harm's way. We’ll have to hold the don's men off.”
She waited for them to tell her that she wasn't making the right choice. Instead, Leo agreed with her.
"She's right. We can't move him yet." Leo swiped his hand over his face.
Monique could tell he was frustrated and searching for answers.
“We need to get to that door they’re trying to break down,” she told them. “That's their only way to us right now. We need to hold that position for as long as we can. When they comethrough, we'll take them out. Whoever comes through that door dies.”
She couldn't believe she was uttering those words. Even Leo looked shocked. But the kids' gloves were off. From what she knew of the old don, he was ruthless and had even tried to have her and her friends killed. She couldn't show him or his men any mercy because they weren't going to show her or Raz any.
"You may have to take a life," Leo told her. "Are you sure you can handle that?"
Monique shook her head. "But that's what therapists are for. No matter what, we can't let them get Raz. You two," Monique said, gaze drifting between Rocco and Leo. "Guard that door. Kill whoever tries to get into this section. I'll stay here with Raz and kill whoever tries to get into this room."
She had barely finished speaking when the door to the breakroom swung open, and Stoney burst in, panting, his face flushed.
“Not him, though,” Monique added quickly.