However, with or without Raz, it was time for her to stop remaining in place. This gala would determine whether they returned to their original path or parted ways forever. She wouldn't even consider Mr. Miconi's offer until she and Raz had a chance to talk face-to-face.
If he looked her in her eyes and told her she wasn't worth fighting for, that would be the end of something that could've been great, and there would be no coming back from it. She was ready to be someone's priority, even if it was just her own priority.
When she arrived home, Cas stuck around for a little while, and they went over the kidnapping plan one final time.
"Remember, Monique, you have to excuse yourself and go to the bathroom on time," Cas reminded her.
"I remember."
"You can't let Fauci distract you or hold you up," Cas told her.
"Whatever the old man's name is," Cas mumbled.
Monique, Meka, and Toya burst out laughing.
"You know that man's name isn't Fauci," Meka teased, shoving Cas's shoulder playfully. "Don't be mad at Mo for going to the gala with him. Be mad at Raz for going with Mr. Miconi'sdaughter. Monique never would've said yes to Frederico if Raz hadn't ASKED out his daughter."
"Notice the difference," Toya chimed in. "Monique said yes to being asked. Raz did the asking. He was in the wrong first, and his wrong is worse."
Meka nodded.
"You don't have to gang up on me," Cas defended. "Isn't the point of this kidnapping to get Raz and Monique back together?"
"Yes," Toya agreed. "But it'll be good to show Raz that if he doesn't get his act together, someone else will step in."
Cas shook his head. "I don't trust Miconi. Why did he show up all of a sudden ready to escort Monique to the gala?"
As Toya and Meka argued that they didn't care what his agenda was, Monique stared down at her hand that Frederico had just kissed. Was she being swayed by the older gentleman? Surely not.
But the things he'd said and the way he'd looked at her had made her feel good. She hadn't felt good in a while. She wouldn't allow those fleeting emotions to cloud her judgment, though.
While she liked Frederico as a person, she didn't completely trust him. Why would she? She'd just met him. But...
"Did you hear us, Monique?" Toya called out, jolting Monique out of her thoughts.
Blinking rapidly, Monique asked, "What? What's wrong?"
"You didn't hear a word we just said, did you?" Toya asked.
"What were you thinking about?" Meka asked. "Or should I say,whowere you thinking about?"
Monique couldn't stop a blush from heating her cheeks.
"Frederico!" Toya exclaimed. "She was thinking about Frederico."
Busted. Monique didn't affirm or deny the allegation.
That didn't stop Cas from lowering his head and muttering, "My brother is going to kill me. My brother is going to kill everyone."
"Let's just finish this meeting. I need a nap," Monique announced to cover up her embarrassment at having been caught thinking about Frederico.
Cas lifted his head and met Monique's gaze. He looked... disappointed. Guilt crept over her. She quickly stamped it down. There was no reason for her to feel guilty.No, she wasn't swayed by Frederico.Yes, she still loved Raz and wanted to be with him.
Butifshe were a tiny bit attracted to Frederico, there would be nothing wrong with that. They were both single and grown as hell. Therefore, she had no reason to feel ashamed. And Cas had no right to look disappointed in her.