"I don't want him to see me like this," Monique protested.
Meka cocked her head to the side. "Girl, he's going to see you at the gala and during the kidnapp..." Meka paused and stared around the room to see if anyone had heard her. "At the... canopy," Meka switched up her word choice, causing Toya to burst out laughing.
"That's right," Toya added. "Everyone is going to see your girls at thecanopy. Meka, go get Cas so we can get a male's perspective about what Mo should wear to the canopy."
Meka tossed up the middle finger to Toya before rushing from the room despite Monique's protests. Feeling self-conscious, Monique turned and stared at her reflection in the wall-to-wall mirror. She almost couldn't believe she was looking at herself.
She'd never felt so sexy. This dress was everything. But so was the other one.Ugh!How was she to decide? Monique turned to the side.Stomach, where?She looked snatched! The built-in Spanx was sucking everything in.
Yet, the dress was so well-made that you couldn't tell there was Spanx built in. And it was comfortable. It didn't leave her feeling restricted or unable to breathe. Yeah, a woman who understood the concerns of big girls had designed this.
"You good, Mo?" Toya asked, moving to stand next to her.
"No. I really don't know which one to choose."
"I'm talking about that Orazio news."
"It's okay if you're not okay."
Monique faced her friend. "I was married to a man who wasn't right for me. I know what it feels like to be mistreated by someone you care for. This doesn't feel like that. Sure, I'm pissed off and close to saying fuck it. But I believe Raz is hurting, too. So, I'm going to give him one chance to be a man about this. Ifhe keeps playing games, then I'll let another woman raise him. I don't have kids, and I'm not trying to raise a grown-ass man and teach him how to love me."
"I know that's fucking right," Toya told her. "I'd hug you, but you're covered in money, and I can't afford to pay for that dress if I mess it up."
Monique laughed. "Thank you for always making sure I'm okay, Toya."
"No need to thank me. That's what friends are for. And if you decide you want me to behead the don..."
"Girl, stop," Monique laughed.
The door behind them opened, and Monique overheard Meka saying, "Yes, she's fully dressed, and it'll be good to get two males' perspectives."
Two?Who else was Meka bringing into their private room?
Toya turned around and gasped. "Okay. Who is this sexy daddy, and where can I find one?"
Sexy daddy?Feeling nervous, Monique breathed in deeply before turning around slowly. Her gaze landed on the taller gentleman next to Cas.Damn, he's tall.His silver hair hinted at his age, but his handsome face must not have gotten the memo.
So, this was what they meant by a silver fox. His eyes were glued to hers. Monique wanted to look away to ask Cas what he thought of her dress but was too nervous to. Why was this man looking at her so intently?
Did she know him? No. She couldn't know this man. His was a face and a swag she wouldn't forget easily. Growing slightly irritated with being ogled, Monique addressed the gentleman.
"Excuse me, sir. Do I know you?" she asked, managing to sound cordial instead of slightly annoyed.
The man blinked as if emerging from a trance. "Ah, where are my manners?" He cleared his throat, looking slightly embarrassed. "My apologies for staring," he said smoothly. "I'mFrederico Miconi. I truly hadn't meant to stare. It's just... I couldn't help but be captivated by how stunning you are.”
Finally! A man's perspective!
"You like this dress?" Monique asked.
"Dress?" Frederico frowned. "I wasn't talking about the dress."
Okay, now she was confused. "What were you talking about then?" Monique asked.
"You," he said, gaze peering into hers, making her feel naked with one stare. "I was only looking at you."
"Oh," Monique whispered. "Ohhhh," she cooed once she realized he was flirting. It was true that he'd been looking at her face the entire time.