Warmth rushed through me. “Thank you.”

“Buying nesting supplies?” he asked, looking at the pillow tucked under my arm.

“My friend Madison bought it for me.”

His brow furrowed. “As glad as I am you have a friend looking out for you, that’s an alpha’s job.”

“Well, when an alpha offers, I’ll be sure to agree.”

I put my new pillow in the bedroom, and our alpha in residence had no choice but to vacate his coffee table workspace since that was where we ate dinner. I was pretty certain it wouldn’t take him long to decide that staying with us wasn’t suitable for his needs. When I woke up this morning, he’d already been up for three hours to accommodate for the time zones. Even so, he’d ensured a blueberry breakfast bar was baking in the oven and yogurt was in the fridge with a bowl of sliced strawberries ready to add. He had risen without a word and poured me coffee before quietly returning to his multitude of emails.

“What did you make for dinner?”

“Steak salad.”

“It smells amazing. I’ll get the boys washed up.”

I set their backpacks aside and took them to the bathroom to scrub down their grubby little paws before setting the table while Beau sliced up the steak. He portioned it into tiny bites for the boys, leaving my serving and his in larger strips.

“Where did you learn to cook?” I asked.

“It was actually a form of rebellion in my home. My mother thought cooking was beneath us and always hired a chef, but as a kid I loved doing things that riled her up. The chef didn’t mind teaching me a few things, and I got plenty of practice trying to please Bryce as a kid. Pickiest child I’ve ever encountered.”

“You did a decent job expanding his palate. I feel like our mothers were opposites. Mine cooked to show love. I was never as good as her, but I tried.”

Beau plated everyone up. “Enjoyment makes a difference. Go sit. I’ll bring everything.”

I parked myself on the couch while my kids crowded around the coffee table, each of us accepting a plate. I had no idea what the green dressing was, but it was heaven on my tongue as I swabbed the steak in it and shoved it into my mouth with some crisp lettuce and avocado.

“How is it?”

“Delicious. I could eat it every day for a week and not get tired of it.”


Ollie was busy shoving it into his mouth, using his hand to help his fork along, and Sammy’s cheeks were full as a little chipmunks.

“’S good,” Sammy replied.

“Thank you for cooking for us,” I said to Beau.

“Fank oo.” Ollie briefly managed a muffled thanks before forcing even more into his mouth.

“Do you think they like it?” I asked Beau.

“It’s truly a mystery.”

I laughed, watching my children gorge themselves on Beau’s gourmet dinner. I hadn’t been certain how this was going to work out at all with him staying here, but this gave me hope forthe future. I took another bite of steak, fighting back the urge to moan.

A girl could get used to this.

Four in the morning was astonishingly peaceful. While I hated extracting myself from Charlotte’s bed, it did allow me to stay on top of things at work.

An email from Autumn pinged when I was halfway through my coffee.


Attached is information on a company I think would be an appropriate partner.