Page 28 of Secret Daddies

Today, I would be relying on Karen to take care of things around the house, as I was traveling out of the city for the day to shoot with Lee and Devon. I tried to avoid putting distance between myself and my home as much as I could, but sometimes it was unavoidable. And shit, it would probably do me some good to get a change of pace, especially since we were going to be shooting action, my favorite by far.

Soon enough, the truck that was taking us out of the city pulled up outside of my apartment block, and I headed out to meet everyone. Lee and Devon were crammed into the back, along with various pieces of equipment. Lee flashed me a grin as soon as he saw me, raising his eyebrows.

“Can you believe they’ve got us stuck in this thing?” he remarked, slapping the top of the truck cheerfully. “Something about cutting down on emissions, I don’t know. I miss the days when we got driven around in limos…”

“Yeah, I’m all good,” I replied, ducking to squeeze in alongside them.

“Makes sense, given where you live,” Lee teased, nodding up to the building I’d just come out of.

Devon dug an elbow into his side. “Hey, don’t be an asshole.”

“It’s fine,” I assured him. Devon sometimes felt like he had to act as peacemaker between the two of us, given Lee’s sharp tongue and inability to keep his mouth shut, but it didn’t bother me. He was young, he was cocky, and I didn’t have a problem with him running his mouth. He could say what he wanted. I didn’t let it get to me.

And besides, this time I actually had something I could throw back at him.

“Anyway, you should be more worried about keeping your own house in order,” I shot back at him. He raised his eyebrows at me as the truck rumbled toward our destination.

“Oh yeah? What does that mean?”

“Means that Maya was wearing your jeans at work earlier this week.”

Devon stiffened beside me. Lee let out a bark of laughter.

“Shit, I had no idea,” he chuckled. “Makes sense. She left my place in kind of a hurry, and what she was wearing the night before…yeah, it wasn’t exactly good for work.”

“So you slept with her?” I asked, leaning forward with interest. I knew it was none of my damn business really, but that didn’t mean I wouldn’t enjoy some gossip when it was offered up on a platter to me. And besides—Maya was hot, no doubt about it. I might have been a gentleman when she had been confronted about where she’d gotten those jeans from in the makeup trailer,but I couldn’t help but wonder what she might look like under them.

Lee grinned. “Hell yeah, I did. We fooled around a little before, but I wanted more. Invited her round to my place, made her dinner…and she stayed the night.”

“I thought we weren’t meant to get with anyone who worked on set,” I remarked, and he rolled his eyes skyward.

“Oh, come on, like those rules actually mean anything.”

“They do to some of us.”

“Yeah, and look at all the fun you’re having as a result!” he countered, waving his hand in my direction. “We were just relaxing. It’s been stressful, working on this movie, and she’s hot—why wouldn’t I want to blow off some steam with her?”

“Steam sounds like the least of the?—”

“Don’t even say it,” Devon cut in, his voice suddenly cold. I had always known Devon to be a playful guy, but there was something about the tone of his voice that told me he didn’t want this to go on for another second. Both Lee and I turned to him, surprised by the sudden shift in his attitude.

“What’s your problem?” Lee demanded pointedly.


Devon shifted slightly in his seat. It was clear he didn’t really want to get into it, but he couldn’t just jump into the middle of this conversation and then pretend that he had nothing to say about it.

“It’s something,” Lee replied, leaning forward. “What, you jealous? You wanted Maya for yourself?”

“It’s not that,” he shot back, clearly irritated. “It’s—fuck it, it doesn’t matter. Forget it.”

“No, come on, I want to know now,” Lee pushed him. When Lee got it into his head that he was going to get to the bottom of something, it was damn near impossible to convince him to drop it. He was like a dog that way, pursuing his endgame until he landed it. Probably why he’d made it so far in this business, to be honest.

Devon glanced up, looking between the two of us. I could tell he was measuring whether or not he wanted to come clean about what was going on inside his head. But then, finally, sensing that Lee wasn’t going to let it go any time soon, he shrugged.

“I was with Maya. Before.”

“Before?” Lee demanded, sounding pissed—he probably thought that he had been the first to nail the gorgeous makeup artist, but now it turned out he’d been beaten to the punch.