“He must have clocked that something was up,” Lana remarked. “Didn’t he ask you anything about it?”
“He did. But we just got…distracted before we could say anything else.”
“Distracted?” she replied, cocking an eyebrow at me. “Distracted like how?”
“Distracted like…like we had sex in his trailer.”
“Maya!” She exclaimed my name so loudly that a few people glanced around to see what the commotion was, and my eyebrows shot up as I lifted a hand to quiet her.
“Keep your voice down!” I hissed, and she leaned in closer to me.
“You had sex with him?”
I nodded. “He called me over, and I guess he wanted to confront me about Matty, but things got heated, and we…we ended up having sex again.”
“Goddamn, Maya, but you are a dark horse!” she told me, almost laughing. “You got pregnant by a movie star and then you seduced him again…”
“It wasn’t like that,” I protested. “I didn’t—I didn’t seduce him. That wasn’t what I set out to do.”
“Yeah, but it’s what you did,” she teased, waggling her eyebrows at me. “Don’t tell me you’ve got any more secrets swept under the rug. Any more movie stars you’re romancing that I should know about?”
I fell silent for a moment. I knew she was just kidding, but as soon as she noticed my hesitation, she let out a strangled squeal of surprise.
“No! No fucking way! Is there another one…?”
I winced. “Lee…”
“Lee!” she whisper-shouted. “As in, one of the other Trio guys…?”
I nodded.
“How did that happen?”
“I don’t even really know,” I confessed. “I didn’t—I mean, nothing happened between us before, I’d never even met him before I started on this movie. He was flirting with me a little when I came by to do his makeup, and I was really only doing it because I knew Devon was watching and I wanted to make him jealous, but then Lee came by my trailer one day and we…yeah.”
“You what?”
“We fooled around.”
“Goddamn, Maya.” She giggled. “I didn’t know you were such a player.”
“I think when it’s a woman they just call it slutty,” I muttered back, picking at a loose thread on my jacket. She smacked my arm lightly.
“Hey, we don’t buy into any of that shit, you hear?” she told me off. “You’re not being a slut. You’re single, you’re allowed to have sex with anyone you want to. Get it?”
“Yeah, I know,” I agreed. She was right, of course, but I had been damn close to a nun in the last few years, and it felt crazy to have hookups with two different guys so close together like this.
“So what are you going to do?” she asked me, furrowing her brow.
“About what?”
“About all of it.”
“Oh, I have no idea,” I confessed. “I don’t know where to start. I mean, I…I know Devon is going to have more questions. And Idon’t know what I’m going to tell him, really. I don’t know if he deserves to know, not after how he left me before, but…”
“But he might find out anyway,” she mused aloud, nodding. “And what about Lee? Are you going after something with him?”
“Oh God no,” I snorted. “He’s got a crazy reputation with women, you must know that. I’d be crazy to think there was anything there other than just another conquest for him.”