I stroked along her clit with my tongue a few times before I sealed my lips around her and began to apply a gentle sucking pressure. I could feel her thighs starting to squeeze around my head as her fingers raked through my hair, her body beginning to buck against my mouth. She was moaning with each breathnow, a little lingering gasp that spoke to how much this was turning her on—anyone walking by the trailer right now could hear it, if they knew what they were listening for. I lapped against her clit a couple times before I allowed my tongue to stray south, teasing at her slit for a moment before I returned my attention to her swollen nub.
She was starting to get a little louder now, and as much as I enjoyed listening to the sounds she made, I knew it was risky—I reached up and slipped a hand over her mouth, keeping her quiet as I sucked on her clit again, rolling her gently between my lips. I moved my other hand beneath her ass, pulling her onto me, filling my senses with her musk—I wanted to lose myself in her, to make this the only thing she could think about for the rest of the day, hell, the week.
The insides of her thighs were beginning to twitch, a sure sign that she was getting close to the edge. I flattened my tongue, stroking it against her clit, massaging her pussy with my mouth, determined to feel her reach her release…
And at last, she did. Her legs squeezed either side of me, and I felt her pussy spasm beneath my tongue for a moment as the vibrations of her moans played out against my hand—I didn’t move my mouth, teasing out every drop of pleasure that I could, not ready for this to be over until she couldn’t take any more.
Finally, once the spasms of her pussy had begun to calm down, she pushed my head away to catch her breath—and I moved up to kiss her once more, the taste of her wetness still on my lips as our tongues found each other again. She pulled her knees up, clearly ready for more, those delicious little moans sounding against my lips as though she could hardly contain herself. I reached down for the zipper on my pants, ready to slide it downand take my cock into my hand so we could do what both of us so clearly wanted to do right now…
But before I could, both of us heard voices approaching the trailer, and we sprang apart at once. I quickly drew my hand over my mouth, trying to clear away the remnants of her wetness that were still written all over me. She pulled down her skirt and hopped from the table, adjusting herself as best she could and busying herself with arranging some pieces on the counter in front of her. I grabbed for my coffee and made my way toward the door, as though I had just been in the process of leaving, when it opened all of a sudden, revealing Paula, the head makeup artist, on the other side.
“Oh, there you are, Lee,” she remarked as she glanced up at me. “Just where I wanted you. The director wants you back on set in ten minutes for some lighting tests, so I’m going to fix up your—hey, Maya, are you okay?”
“Mhm!” Maya squeaked back, still not looking over at us. I had to bite back a smirk. It was clear she didn’t entirely know how to cope with what had just happened between us, but that was fine. I knew it had been good—damngood, actually—and it would only be a matter of time before she came back, wanting more, wanting to pick up right where we had left off.
“I’m just going to—uh, get something to eat,” Maya continued as she rushed past me and Paula, not looking at either of us.
“See you later, Maya,” I called after her. She seemed to start slightly at the sound of her name on my lips, but she didn’t glance back in my direction, probably worried that she would give away whatever had just happened here between us. She closed the door, and Paula peered after her for a moment, slightly nonplussed.
“You think she’s alright?” she asked, frowning, and I nodded.
“I think she’s fine,” I assured her. “Just got a lot on her plate right now, what with starting on such a big set.”
“You’re probably right,” she agreed with a sigh. “God, I forget how hard it can be for these new girls to work with big stars like you…”
I bit back a smirk.
“Yeah,” I replied. “But I try to make it as easy as I can for them.”
As I laidout the products I was going to be using on Taylor the next morning, I tried not to think about what had happened right here on this desk just a matter of twenty-four hours ago.
I still couldn’t believe that Lee and I had done that. If it wasn’t for the intensity of that orgasm he’d given me while he was between my thighs, I could almost convince myself that it was nothing more than some crazy fantasy on my part. But there was no way in hell I could have invented something that intense, something that sexy, something that addictive—and knowing it was real was a million times more confusing than trying to convince myself it was fake.
I couldn’t really figure out how it had come to happen in the first place. How exactly did I end up going from accepting a coffee from Lee, to allowing him to go down on me in the makeup trailer I was supposed to be working in? It didn’t make any sense to me, but at the same time…at the same time, I couldn’t stop thinking about it, and wondering if this was just a one-off thing or if he intended to follow up on what we had shared yesterday.
I had done my research on Lee, of course. I’d heard a few vague mentions of his reputation when I was flicking through gossip magazines at the dentist’s office when I took Matty in for a checkup, but it wasn’t until I was faced with the enormity of his sexual backstory that I realized just what kind of guy he was. I was pretty sure there wasn’t a woman in this whole damn business who was more than two degrees of sexual separation from him—he seemed to have this crazy effect on just about anyone he came into contact with.
And if I hadn’t met him, I would likely think that all the girls who had fallen for that were just making too big a deal of the effect he had on them. But having met him in person, I could see why so many of them had fallen for his charms—he had this way about him, this confidence, as though he knew he was the hottest thing on two legs and wasn’t afraid to use that to get what he wanted.
And God, could he back it up too. I hadn’t had a whole lot of sexual experience in the years since Matty was born, as busy as I’d been with looking after him and trying to keep the money coming in, but that…that had been beyond anything I could have expected. Lee’s tongue was so skilled, his touch so practiced, it was clear that he’d put every single one of those hookups to good use in honing his skills. He knew exactly what he was doing when it came to pleasuring a woman, and I couldn’t deny just how much I wanted to pick up right where we had left off as soon as I got the chance.
Which was dangerous, to say the least. And, as much as I could tell myself that it was just about blowing off some steam and having some fun now that I was finally back at work—I knew part of it was about Devon too. It was about putting as much distance between him and me as I was possibly able to. And I knew that was crazy, because what kind of woman did that makeme, using someone else to try and get over my ex? And besides, weren’t you supposed to do all of that a few weeks after he dumped you, not a few years? My head was all kinds of a mess right now, and I needed to get all of that out of my mind, and take care of the task at hand.
Which was working on Taylor King—the one member of this little threesome that Ihadn’tmanaged to have some kind of sexual interaction with already. Ugh, even thinking about it like that made me feel crazy. I needed to get myself under control—if I had been caught in this trailer yesterday, I would have been fired on the spot, I was sure of it. Probably blacklisted too. No way would they punish Lee for that, when they could make me pay for it instead.
Finally, the door opened, and I glanced around to see Taylor being hustled inside by Paula, who looked as though her head was about to explode with stress. She seemed to be doing everything she could to keep on top of the three main stars, along with the guest actors who were coming in and out day-to-day, and I had no idea how she was keeping tabs on where everyone was and the status of their makeup needs at any given time. I had a tough enough time just keeping an eye on my kid, let alone a set full of people.
“Hey,” I greeted Taylor, with as warm a smile as I could muster—oh, hold on, don’t get too friendly now. Remember what happened with Lee…
“Hi,” Taylor replied, slightly gruff. Despite his coolness, I felt a swell of relief rise inside of me.Thank God.He wasn’t coming in here flirting, acting like he couldn’t wait to get me into bed—and he wasn’t coming in here carrying a history that I had to do my best to ignore. We were just good old strangers, and that was fine by me.
“You want to sit down?” I suggested, gesturing to the seat in front of the makeup table.
He took a seat without saying another word, and I took a step back so I could get a better look at his face—this would be the first time I’d be applying makeup to him, so I wanted to make sure I had the exact right match for his skin tone. There were already kits laid out for each of the main actors, but it was way too easy for someone to catch a little sun or spend too much time inside, rendering whatever shade had been picked out for them basically unusable.